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Newspaper Clippings for
November, 1918

Antioch News14 November 1918
Miss McLin spent the week-end with Mrs. C. E. Denman.

A. H. Stewart is visiting his children at Lily Lake, Ill., and Chicago.

Miss Belle Watson spent several days in Chicago with her neice, Miss Inez Pollock.

Mrs. Edwards of Waukegan spent several days recently with Mrs. E. A. Martin.

The ladies of the church will hold a bazaar and serve roast chicken supper at the church Friday evening, Nov. 15.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower having sold their home here left Saturday for Stoughton, Mass, for their future home.

Miss Helen Cannon and Ray Harmer were married at the home of the brides father, E. N. Cannon, Nov. 5. Congratulation.

A farewell party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Tower for Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower Friday evening. Friends from Gurnee, Gages Lake and Millburn were present.

Antioch News21 November 1918
E. A. Martin was in Waukegan and Chicago Thursday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bonner, Nov. 16, a son.

Miss Sarah Browe spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. White.

Mr. and Mrs. Marselis of Grayslake attended the bazaar Friday evening.

Luella Strang of Gurnee spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Wilmer Hook.

Several teachers from this vicinity attended Teacher's Institute at Libertyville Saturday.

Edwin Denman, wife and daughter of Libertyville spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Denman.

Song service and sermon will be held at the church Thanksgiving, Nov. 28. Let us make it a day of Thanksgiving.

The ladies of the Millburn Missionary society are planning to hold a "Missionary Thanksgiving Social" at the Clark and McDougall home at Hastings Lake on Tuesday, November 26, and extend a very hearty invitation to their Antioch, Hickory and Lake Villa friends to join them in a profitable and enjoyable time. A short program will be given after which hot coffee, sandwiches and cake will be served and a social time with old friends enjoyed. The gentlemen are especially invited, for the ladies do not wish to be selfish and keep a good time all to themselves. Come all and receive a hearty welcome.

Antioch News28 November 1918
Miss Dora Hook of Waukegan spent Sunday with her parents.

Wm. Watson of Lake Villa spent Sunday with his sisters.

Song service and a peace talk will be given Thursday evening at the church.

Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago spent the week-end with her aunts the Misses Watson.

Mrs. Clarence Bonner and daughter spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bonner.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmer and Miss Jessie Cannon of Waukegan spent Sunday with the home folks.

A shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmer by the Eastern Star chapter at the home of Mrs. Elmer Murrie.

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