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Newspaper Clippings for
December, 1915

Antioch News2 December 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Mickelson moved Monday to Round Lake.

A. K. Bain, wife and daughter spent Nov. 25 at Frank Cremins.

Mr. Roberts of Chicago spent Thursday with Mrs. Jane Jamieson.

A. K. Bain and wife and Jack Cory spent the past week in Chicago.

John Buse, wife and son spent several days recently with Mrs. Geo. Jamieson.

Mrs. A. W. Safford spent Thanksgiving with her daughter, Miss Helen at Morrisonville, Ill.

John Bonner and children and their families spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Laura Corris at Russell.

Mrs. Josephine Mathews left Tuesday for Omaha, Nebraska, where she will spent the winter with relatives.

The entertainment held Nov. 25, was very good, but on account of the bad weather there was not a very good crowd.

Mrs. Geo. Martin gave a miscellaneous shower at her home in honor of Miss Myrtle Martin. Miss Martin was the recipient of a great many gifts.

Miss Myrtle Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Martin and Joseph E. Horton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Horton were married Wednesday, Dec. 1.

Miss Anna Wolz and Mr. Walter Oberst were married Nov. 25, at the Antioch Catholic church on their return a dinner was served to 25 guests at the home of the brides parents at Millburn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oberst will make their home in Danville, Ill. Congratulations.

Antioch News9 December 1915
Geo. Jamieson is on jury this week.

W. J. White has been very sick the past week.

C. E. Denman transacted business in Antioch Saturday.

A. H. Stewart is visiting his daughter at Lilly Lake.

E. A. Martin and J. S. Denman were in Waukegan Monday.

C. G. Meyer of Wadsworth transacted business here the past week.

Mrs. Safford returned home Saturday from Morrisonville and Wheaton.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edmonds visited their daughter Mrs. Larson Monday.

Horace Culver and wife of Lake Villa vicinity spent Sunday at the home of W. A. Bonner.

Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Horton having rented their farm to their son, moved to Antioch this week.

A basket social at the Grubb school house Saturday, Dec. 11. Proceeds go for a victrola for the school.

Antioch News16 December 1915
Leon Strang spent the past week at Urbana.

E. A. Martin transacted business in Chicago Friday.

Theodore Garrett and son have a sale today and will soon move elsewhere.

Miss Foote spent a few days in Chicago and Wheaton, returning Saturday.

There will be Christmas entertainment given by the Sunday school on Christmas eve.

Miss Florence Anderson of Lake Forest spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Stewart.

O. A. Nelson and wife of Loon Lake gave a dinner in honor of their 41st wedding anniversary Wednesday, December 8.

Neighbors and friends to the number of 40 helped Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White celebrate their 39 wedding anniversary Tuesday, Dec. 7.

A play "Rebecca's Trimph" given by Gurnee young ladies under the auspices of the Ladies Aid society at the church Saturday evening, Dec. 18.

Mortimer J. Cannon, son of E. A. Cannon received the appointment of mail carrier for the R. F. D. route from Wadsworth and will take charge Jan 1.

Mrs. Erma Strang gave a party at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Strang and daughter will leave soon to spend the winter with his brother in Rialto, Cal.

Antioch News23 December 1915
A merry Xmas to all.

Rev. Safford was in Chicago Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett have rented a farm at Hickory.

Mortimer Cannon is visiting his brother and family at Area.

Mr. Stanfield of Bristol transacted business here Friday.

Miss Jessie Cannon and Victor Strang are sick with grip.

Mrs. Jannette Mathews expects to go to Pikeville for the winter soon.

Miss Pearl Cleveland has returned from Chicago to spend the holidays with her parents.

Mrs. Menzo Webb returned home on Thursday after a few days visit with sister at Highland park.

Miss Jennie Irving has returned from Madison, S. D., where she has been teaching to spend her vacation with her parents.

Antioch News30 December 1915
Wednesday morning at 4:30 a. m., Mr. J. A. Hoffman, a well known resident of the town of Newport was found in a dying condition. He had not been well for a few days previous but his condition was not such as to cause any uneasiness. It is thought that he had an attack of lagrippe and that complications of heart trouble set in during the early part of the morning. He lived but a short time after aid reached him.
He was one of the best known residents of the township of Newport. He held the office of assessor for forty years and for a number of years has served as collector. For 28 years he has held the office of clerk of Russell camp M. W. A. He had been a collector for the Millburn Insurance company ever since it was formed.
The deceased was born in Pennsylvania May 29, 1842, but for a great many years his home has been in Newport township. The funeral services will be held Friday, at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Alex Hanlan, only daughter of the deceased, whose home is now in Canada arrived here on Friday last, it being the first visit to her old home in eight years. Her visit was a surprise to her father and little did she think when she arrived that she would attend his funeral before returning to her home.
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