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Newspaper Clippings for
October, 1913

Antioch News2 October 1913
Clarence Bonner and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. Bain.

Miss Foote will spent a month with relatives St. Paul, Minn.

William Mitchell and wife of Waukegan spent last Tuesday here.

James Humphery of St. Paul, Minn., spent past week at the parsonage.

Mrs. McDowell of Nebraska visiting her daughter Mrs. E. N. Cannon.

Mrs. C. E. Denman, daughter and grandson left Tuesday to visit relatives at Lincoln, Ill.

Rev. and Mrs. Safford left Wednesday for their annual vacation of three weeks. They will spend their time at Freeport and Wheaton, Ill.

Antioch News9 October 1913
The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Old McDougall farm, 1 mile east of Loon Lake and 3 miles west of Millburn, on
Tuesday, October 14,
Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the following property to-wit:
30 head of live stock--mule, 8 years old, mare, 6 years old, colt by side; brown mare, 8 years old, in foal.
28 head of cattle-2 cows with calves by side, 2 yearling bulls, balance milking and backward springers, 4 close springers, 2 sows with pigs, 2 shoats.
Machinery-Cultivator, corn planter, walking plow, hay fork, rope and pullies, side delivery hay rake, saddle, milk cooler.
Feed-25 acre of corn in shock, 20 tons of tame hay, 50 bushels of rye,
Usual Terms.
H. S. Dixon, Prop.
Henry Sine, Auctioneer

Mrs. Mavor of Chicago spent over Sunday with her mother here.

The Millburn Ladies Aid society will hold their annual bazaar on Nov. 6.

Mrs. Mabel Young entertained company from Evanston, Ill., the past week.

Miss Ethel Bonner entertained the Warren Cemetery society Tuesday of this week.

Mrs. W. McGuire and son and Mrs. C. E. Denman have returned home from Lincoln, Ill.

Miss Berry of Washington, D. C., and Ed Dodge and Miss Helen Buss of Rochester, Wis., were guests of Mrs. Geo. Jamieson this week.

Antioch News16 October 1913
Chauncey B. Cummings a well known resident of Waukegan, formerly of Millburn, died at his home on Cory avenue, last Satureday, at the age of 67 years.
The funeral was held from the home at 1 o'clock Monday with burial in the Millburn cemetery.
Mr. Cummings had lived in Waukegan ten years, coming from Millburn where he lived 15 years. He originally came from East Troy, Wis., where his sister now resides.
Mr. Cummings is survived by his wife and son Clarence of Cory avenue, Waukegan.
Mr. Cummings had been sick for the past three years. He spent last winter in Phoenix, Ariz., and the previous winter in Florida. He returned from Arizona last April and has been confined to his bed from that time.

Mrs. Ward Bain and daughter Irene spent several days with the former's mother here.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bonner of Evanston attended the funeral of Miss Ames Sunday at Hickory also visited here Sunday.

Mr. Cummings formerly of Millburn died at his home in Waukegan Saturday and was buried in the Millburn cemetery Monday.

Mrs. Bain received word of the death of her aunt Miss Ames at the Elgin Hospital for the insane. Burial Monday at Hickory.

Word reached here Sunday evening of the death of Mrs. Louise Shepard at Galesburg where she was attending the W. C. T. U. convention.

Antioch News22 October 1913
Chris. Cook has rented the A. H. Stewart farm.

Miss Alice Nelson spent the past week in Chicago.

Miss Alice Nelson spent the past week in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gorham of Waukegan visited here Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Safford returned home this week from their vacation.

E. N. Cannon entertained company from McHenry county Sunday.

Mrs. H. Minto entertained relatives from Union Junction, Wis., Sunday.

Mrs. Wm. Bonner visited Waukgan and Evanston relatives last week.

Mrs. Philip Deitmeyer entertained company from Waukegan Sunday.

Antioch News30 October 1913
Mrs. Fisher has returned to her home in Rochester, Wis.

Newton Levoy and family moved Thursday to Belvidere, Ill.

J. P. Dawson and wife are visiting in St. Paul, Minn., this week.

C. W. Russell of Muscatine, Iowa, was a business visitor here this week.

The Millburn Ladies Aid will hold their annual bazaar, Nov. 6, at the church.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White and Mrs. Erma Strang were Zion City visitors Sunday.

Miss Martha Knott of Lake Villa is the nurse that is taking care of Miss Agnes Bonner.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schlosser of Wadsworth was buried in the Millburn cemetery Tuesday.

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