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Newspaper Clippings for
July, 1909

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 1 July 1909
Mr. McGuire visited a few days last week with his niece, Mrs. Evan Colwell, in Waukegan.

Mr. and Mrs. Pantall returned Friday from Chicago Lawn, where they visited since Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams.

Earl Cutler of Zion City is visiting with Mr. C. E. Denman and family.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Strang returned from Beloit the latter part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Tower visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gerrity of Union Grove.

Mrs. Thomas Anderson and two children of Kansas are here visiting with her mother, Mrs. George Strang.

A friend who has been visiting with Mrs. Josephine Matthews, returned to her home last week.

Mrs. J. C. Cutler and daughter, Mary, of Zion City, visited Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman.

Edwin Denman has been entertaining his cousin, Clayton Denman, of Highland Park.

A. K. Bain was a Chicago visitor Monday.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 7 July 1909
Mrs. Cora Anderson and children, Maud and Mary, of Gas, Kansas, are visiting her mother and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Pantall returned from Chicago Lawn accompanied by their grand-daughter, Bae Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gerrity Saturday and Sunday. James Gerrity returned with them.

The many friends of Geo. Gerrity, now of Union Grove, will be pained to hear of his serious "illness". We hope for his speedy recovery.

Several of Antioch Chapter attended a banquet at Waukegan Chapter last Thursday.

Miss Maggie Watson, of Chicago, came Monday for a vacation with her mother and the home folks.

Miss Elsie Honeyager of Chicago is the guest of Miss Vida Jamison.

Mrs. J. C. Cutler and daughter, Mary, of Zion City, spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. C. E. Denman.

Miss Rassmusson of Milwaukee, visited at R. L. Strang's and other friends from Wednesday until Saturday on her way to Chicago.

The C. E. social was well attended and a good sum cleared.

Earl Cutler, of Zion City, will stay a short time at the home of C. E. Denman, to recuperate from his serious illness.

Several from here attended the banquet of the Royal Neighbors of Gurnee. A fine program and a good time enjoyed by all.

The Ladies' Aid society will meet in the church parlor, July 8, at the usual hour. Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. J. M. Strang and Mrs. Nelson will serve supper.

Mrs. Irene Taylor and children returned to their home at Lilly Lake, Ill., last Thursday.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 10 July 1909
Mrs. Norman Adams, of Chicago Lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Montana; Mrs. Dr. Young visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Pantall last Tuesday. Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Young are nieces of Mrs. Pantall.

Hal and Bob. Lewis, of Waukegan, visited their aunts and uncle, the McDougall's the past week.

Mrs. Taylor, of Santiago, Cal., is visiting Miss Bater on her way to Lake Geneva.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thom and children spent Sunday and Monday with their parents at Libertyville.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yocum visited their niece, Miss Gerrity at Waukegan Sunday and Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chope and family attended the picnic at Russell, Saturday.

Louise and James Gerrity, of Union Grove, are visiting at H. B. Towers.

Mrs. Taylor, of Waukegan, visited several days with her aunts, the Misses McDougall's at the Oaks.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bonner entertained two nephews, the Eueston boys from Iowa the past week.

Miss Inez Pollock, of Chicago, visited from Saturday until Monday evening with home folks.

Miss Alice Jamieson, of Chicago, visited over the Fourth with her parents.

Miss Mamie Trotter, of Evanston, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. K. Bain.

Dr. H. E. Jamison has a new automobile and will now be able to make quick trips to his patients.

Mrs. Chas. Taylor, of Hickory, fell down the cellar stairs and broke her ankle.

W. J. White left the first of the week for Salt Lake City, Utah, to visit his son, Ernest, who is ill with the scarlet fever.

Mrs. Foster entertained her sister and other friends from Chicago over the Fourth.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamison visited from Tuesday until Friday with Mrs. Helen Buss at Rochester, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Safford, of Chicago, and Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Wheaton and son, of Wheaton, Ill., visited from Saturday until Tuesday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Safford.

In the storm last Friday night three horses were killed on the A. O. Nelson farm. Two belonged to the hired help and one to Arthur Nelson.

Robt. Bonner, of Chicago, spent the Fourth with home folks.

The Ladies' Aid Society will hold their monthly meeting in the church. Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Peter Strang will serve supper.

The C. E. Society business meeting will be held a the home of Miss Mabel Bonner, July 9. A full attendance is desired.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 17 July 1909
Mrs. Howard, of Kenosha, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Chas. Mathews.

Mrs. R. L. Hughes, of Chicago, is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Spafford.

Geo. Anderson and sons, of Lake Forest, spent Thursday with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wedge, of Antioch, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Strang last Thursday.

Miss Minnie Currie spent Saturday and Sunday with the homefolks.

Misses Edith VanAlstine and Ethel McGuire spent Saturday at Grayslake.

Miss Helen Safford left Friday for a weeks' visit with her brother, Geo. Safford, in Chicago.

Will Strang left Thursday of last week for Marshfield, Wis., accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Anderson and children, who will visit Geo. Anderson for a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bonner, of Evanston, visited Saturday and Sunday with the home folks, also Robt. Bonner.

Harris Thom won the blue ribbon for the best pony rider at Libertyville, July 5th, under fourteen years of age.

Rev. A. W. Safford transacted business in Chicago last week.

Mrs. Howard returned to Kenosha last Friday, having spent two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Thain

The many friends of Geo. Gerrity, of Union Grove, Wis., will be glad to know that George is on the gain and is able to visit his uncle, John Eichanger.

Mr. W. J. White, who went to Utah last week returned Sunday with his son Ernest, who is not able to get around. We hope for his speedy recovery.

Mrs. Geo. Gerrity, of Union Grove, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. G. Odett, of Gurnee.

The C. E. society will hold an ice cream social at the home of David White, Thursday evening of this week.

Mrs. Josephine Mathews spent a few days with Mrs. John Rose.

The Missionary society will hold their annual missionary tea, July 20th.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 24 July 1909
Miss Clara Foote has gone to Wheaton for a week's vacation with her niece, Mrs. Ralph Wheaton.

Victor Strang left for a visit with relatives.

Mrs. Geo. Tillottson, of Bristol, and Mrs. Brazen and son, of Kenosha, Wis., visited last week with Mrs. Chas. Mathews.

Miss Bessie Harr, of Gurnee, spent several days with Miss Mable Chope.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor and Mrs. Josephine Taylor, formerly of Millburn, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart Sunday.

John and James Low, of Evanston, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Bater.

Andrew White, of Nebraska, visited J. W. White and other relatives in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jamison and Mrs. J. M. Strang were Chicago visitors last Friday.

Mrs. Carwess and daughter, Madge of Chicago, are visiting O. A. Nelson's.

Rev. A. W. Safford attended a convention from Tuesday until Friday at Lake Geneva.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott LeVoy and children drove to Kenosha Monday.

Earl Cutler spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother at Zion City.

Mrs. Safford and daughter, Helen, returned from Chicago and Wheaton Thursday.

Miss Estella Haines, of Gurnee, visited from Saturday until Tuesday with Miss Marjorie Cannon.

Mr. Chaffee, of Kenosha, and his daughter, Mrs. Wright, from Los Angeles, Cal., will visit Mrs. Chas., Mathews this week.

A. K. Bain will serve ice cream every Saturday evening until further notice.

The Ladies' Missionary Society will hold their Missionary Tea Wednesday, July 28. Everyone welcome.

C. E. Topic: July 25: Heroes of Missions in China. Victor Strang, leader.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 31 July 1909
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Strang went to Chicago last Monday to have an operation on Mrs. Strang's face. Mrs. Strang spent part of the week with Mrs. Mavor.

Miss Mildred Cutler, of Zion City, is the guest of Mrs. W. G. McGuire.

Dr. Jamison and daughter, Vida, accompanied the doctor's mother and sister, Mrs. Seavey and daughter to Chicago last Tuesday on their way to visit Mrs. Jamison's son, George at Cherry Valley, Ill.

Mrs. Alice Stewart and Andrew White visited W. J. White the past week.

The Warren Society will meet with Mrs. C. E. Denman, Aug. 4.

Miss Mabel Hughes, of Gurnee, visited at the David White and J. H. Bonner homes this week.

Mrs. J. M. Strang returned from Chicago, Saturday. She is improving at present writing.

Mrs. Ralph Wheaton and son, of Wheaton, Ill., will visit sometime with the home folks, also Miss Foote returned with her.

C. E. Topic, Aug. 1 "Life Lessons for Me from the Book of Acts". Pearl Cleveland, leader.

Mrs. Erma Strang visited in Waukegan and Libertyville several days last week..

A. H. Stewart visited his children in Chicago the past week.

Miss Inez Pollock, of Chicago, is home for a week's vacation.

Mrs. Chas. Mathews' company returned to Kenosha last Saturday.

Wm. Thom, Sr., of Libertyville, spent several days with his son, W. G. Thom.

Earl Cutler returned to his home in Zion City last Saturday, having spent a month with C. E. Denman and family.

Mrs. Bowden and children, of Washington, D. C., are visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Denman.

Norman Adams visited his daughter, Bae, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Pantall returned home with him.

Bert Trotter visited his sister, Mrs. A. K. Bain this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bonner visited Mrs. John Bonner and A. K. Bain.

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