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Newspaper Clippings for
August, 1908

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 1 August 1908
Mrs. J. C. Chope and children visited at Rosecrans last Wednesday.

Several bus loads from Zion City passed through here last Thursday on their way to Fowler's Place to spend the day.

Mrs. Alfred Meade is entertaining two lady cousins from South Dakota for a week.

Miss Vinnie Jamison, of Kenosha, is spending her vacation with her parents and also visited her sister, Miss Alice, in Chicago.

Miss Emily Purmit, of Evanston, is the guest of Miss Bater this week.

Mrs. Libbie Paddgett and little daughter are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jamison.

Mr. Holmes, of Indiana, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents and family.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower and Louise and James Gerrity attended the picnic of the Eastern Star of Waukegan at Druce's Lake last Thursday.

Mrs. W. G. Thom and sons left Tuesday for Peoria to visit two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams, of Chicago Lawn, visited at R. Pantall's Saturday and Sunday.

John Roberts, of Chicago, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Jamison last Sunday.

The town was visited by a dog and pony show last Friday.

Geo. Mathews, of Boston, brother of Chas. Mathews, deceased, died at his home July 13, at the advanced age of 87. Mr. Mathews often visited in Millburn.

Misses Helen Safford and Mabel Bonner left Friday to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Ralph Wheaton, of Wheaton, Ill., until Wednesday of this week.

D. G. Nellis and wife, of McHenry, visited the former's sister, Mrs. J. C. Chope, Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford, of Russell, called in their new auto.

Mrs. Chas. Mathews is entertaining Mesdames Tillottson and Stevens, of Kenosha.

The C. E. business meeting will be held at the home of C. E. Denman, Friday, Aug. 7.

C. E. topic, Aug. 2: Songs of the Heart, VIII. "How Can We Serve the Church?" Geo. White, leader.

The Ladies' Aid Society will hold their monthly meeting Aug. 6, Thursday afternoon and also in the evening. Ice cream and cake will be served by the ladies along with the regular supper.

Mrs. Elsie Lawrence, of Tabor, Iowa, formerly of this place is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner.

Mr. Wright, of Evanston, transacted business in this vicinity Tuesday.

George C. Safford and Rose L. Welch [ed. note: Welsch] were married at the home of the bride's parents in Chicago, Wednesday, July 22, at noon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. W. Safford assisted by Rev. J. Vonicks, of Chicago. The bride and groom took the afternoon train for Columbus, Wis., to visit with friends. They are now making a short visit at the Millburn parsonage this week. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Safford will be at home at 58 West Berwyn Ave., Chicago after Sept. 1st. Accept congratulations and good wishes from this vicinity.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 4 August 1908
Robert McDougall, Jr. of Antioch is here visiting with his aunt Miss Nellie McDougall.

Mr. and Mrs. George Safford of Brownville came Monday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Safford.

Miss Mabel Bonner and Miss Helen Safford have been visiting with Mrs. Ralph Wheaton in Wheaton, Illinois.

Mrs. Tillotson and her sister Mrs. Stephens of Kenosha are visiting with Mrs. Mathews.

Mrs. Elizabeth Padgett and daughter of the southern part of the state are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson.

The Ladies Aid society will meet at the church on Thursday, Aug. 6, a picnic supper will be served. Ice cream and cake will be served at supper and throughout the evening.

Antioch News06 August 1908
Rochester Academy, Rochester, Wis., opens its forty-second year September 8. Course admits without examination to college or University. Special courses in business, music, and preparation for teaching. For catalog and information address E. G. Toan, Prin.

Mrs. Holmes and children who have been visiting here returned home Sunday.

Mrs. Elsie Lawrence of Tabor, Iowa, is visiting Mrs. John Bonner and friends here.

Miss Mabel Bonner and Helen Safford returned last Wednesday from Wheaton, Ill.

The C. E. business meeting will be at the home of C. E. Denman on Friday evening, August 7.

Mrs. Jeanette Mathews entertained Mrs. Tillotson and her sister Mrs. Stephens of Kenosha last week.

Clarence Bonner and friend of Chicago visited over Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bonner here.

Miss Edith Van Alstine returned last Wednesday from her visit with her uncle in Academy, North Dakota.

Miss Lavennia Jamieson of Kenosha has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 06 August 1908

A few from here attended the Waukegan celebration.

C. E. Bonner of Chicago visited at home over Sunday.

Mrs. Lawrence of Tabor, Ia., is here visiting with Mrs. John Bonner.

The Christian Endeavor society will have a social at the home of Mr. J. H. Bonner on Thursday evening Aug. 13.

Mrs. Ralph Taylor and two children of Lily Lake have been here visiting with her father, Mrs. A. H. Stewart.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman visited Monday in Zion City with Mr. Hummell.

Mrs. Josephine Matthews returned Monday from Kenosha where she has been visiting with relatives.

Miss Mabel Anderson of Lake Forest has been spending a week here with her grandmother, Mrs. Strang.

The C. E. business meeting will be Friday night of this week at the home of J. S. Denman.

Mr. Charles Matthews of Kenosha is here for a few days.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 8 August 1908
Mrs. Rose visited her uncle, James Jamieson.

Mrs. Ralph Taylor and children, of Lilly Lake, is visiting her father, A. H. Stewart for a few weeks.

Miss Clara Foote visited Mrs. Chas. Taylor, of Hickory, from Thursday until Sunday.

Robert McDougall, of Antioch, was the guest of his aunts recently.

Mrs. Smith, of Evanston, mother of (Silent Smith) visited A. K. Bain last Thursday, also Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rossback and children, of Evanston.

Miss Remington, of Chicago, Secretary of Y. P. Auxiliaries was the speaker at the Missionary Tea. $57 was realized.

Miss Edith VanAlstine returned home from Dakota last week.

Miss Alice Jamieson, of Chicago, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson.

Mrs. Elizabeth Tower left Friday for Gurnee to visit Miss Lottie Stearns a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson and family, of Lake Forest, visited W. B. Stewart last Wednesday.

Mrs. Alice Chase and boys and Grace Feezer, of Grange Hall, visited Mrs. C. E. Denman.

Clarence Bonner and a friend from Chicago visited home folks Sunday.

Lyburn Stewart, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his family.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and sons visited W. B. Stewart the latter part of the week.

A. K. Bain and John A. Strang transacted business in Chicago, Monday.

Mrs. Josephine Mathews returned from Kenosha, Monday accompanied by Chas. Mathews and Mr. Bray, carpenters who will shingle her home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman called on Mrs. Cutler, of Zion City, recently.

Miss Emily Purmit, returned to Evanston, Monday, having spent ten days with Miss Bater.

Misses Helen Safford and Mabel Bonner returned Wednesday from Wheaton.

C. E. topic, Aug 9, "Why and How to be Healthy". Una Minto, leader.

Antioch News13 August 1908
Mr. L. Stewart of Chicago was out over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cannon spent Sunday in Wauconda.

Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Lake villa were visitors here last Thursday.

Mrs. R. L. Hughes of Chicago is visiting with her mother Mrs. Spafford.

There will be lawn social at J. H. Bonners Thursday evening, Aug. 13.

Mr. Charles Ames and daughter returned Sunday from their visit in Nebraska.

Miss Alice Nelson and other relatives returned from Indiana Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman spent last Monday afternoon with Mrs. Cutler in Zion City.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chope visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nellis in McHenry.

Mr. John Bonner fell from a load of oats last week and broke a rib, he is getting along nicely.

A little daughter has been at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bock in Canada for nearly two weeks.

Mrs. W. G. Thom returned Saturday after visiting for two weeks with her mother Mrs. Harris.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 13 August 1908
Robert Bonner has been visiting for a few days with schoolmates in Rochester, Wis.

Miss Alice Nelson returned last Saturday night from Indiana where she has been visiting with her aunt Mrs. Cunningham.

Mrs. Tukey is here visiting with her sister Mrs. George Jamieson.

Mrs. H. E. Jamieson has been entertaining her two nieces for a few days.

Miss Bernice Taylor of Waukegan has been visiting with her aunt Mrs. Eugene Clark and Miss Nellie McDougall.

Miss Vinnie Jamieson has returned to her duties after spending two weeks vacation here.

Mrs. John Gerry (nee) Sarah Ortlip, wife of John Gerry, passed away two weeks ago at her home in Cashmere, Washington. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband and four sons and an adopted daughter.

A daughter has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bock in Rose Mae, Canada. They formerly resided here.

Professor Toan of Rochester has been here making calls.

Miss McGinty of Chicago is here visiting with her sister Mrs. Foster.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Strang on Tuesday a 10 1-2 lb girl.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 15 August 1908
Mrs. Pearl Cleveland visited Tuesday at Edgar Ames, of Wadsworth.

The C. E. society gave a lawn social at the home of J. H. Bonner Thursday evening.

Mrs. Tukey, of New Jersey, has been visiting her son in Denver, Colo, and on her return is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Jamison.

Mrs. Geo. Gerrity and sister, Mrs. Odett are Chicago visitors this week.

Mrs. Mary Yule spent last Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Gerry, of Waukegan.

C. E. topic, Aug 16, "Lesson from the Sea." Mable Bonner, leader.

Bert Trotter, of Chicago, is spending a few days vacation with relatives at Millburn.

Mrs. Cremins is entertaining Fred White and wife, a nephew from New York state.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Strang, Tuesday, Aug. 11, a 10 1/2 lb. daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower attended the wedding of Miss Laura Sylvester.

Miss Alice Nelson returned Sunday from Indiana accompanied by several friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chope and children visited Daniel Nellis at McHenry last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cannon spent Sunday at Wauconda.

Mrs. W. G. Thom and children returned home Saturday from their two weeks visit at Peoria.

Mrs. Geo. Strang and granddaughter, Mable Anderson, of Kansas visited several days with the former's son, George at Marshfield, Wis.

Misses Seavey of Kansas, niece of Dr. Jamison and, Miss Wilcox, of Libertyville, visited Dr. Jamison and family recently.

Chas. Ames and daughter, Miss Ethel returned from their visit at Fort Atkinson, Neb., last Sunday.

Miss Vinnie Jamison returned to Kenosha, Monday.

Mrs. Emma Hughes returned home Tuesday to Chicago having spent two week's with relatives here.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 18 August 1908
Mrs. Trotter and daughter, Miss Lucy, returned to Evanston last Tuesday.

The Antioch township Sunday school convention will be held at the Millburn Congregational church Sunday, July 19. Morning and afternoon sessions.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Edwards, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards and children, of Rosecrans, and Mr. and Mrs. McCrone, of Waukegan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chope Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilby, of Russell, were Millburn callers last Sunday.

Mr. Neil, of Kenosha, is painting in this neighborhood.

Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bain and Dorothy spent Sunday at Wordworth, Wis.

Mr. Kobelin, of Waukegan, spent Sunday in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom, of Libertyville, are visiting several days this week with their son, W. G. Thom.

Mrs. Florence Grey and little son are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart.

Mr. and Mrs. John Trotter are entertaining friends from Chicago.

Miss Mable Chope received a scholarship admitting her to any normal or university in the state of Illinois and Miss Helen Safford, also received one admitting her to college. She received hers from Rochester, Wis.

The C. E. society gave a lawn social Thursday at the home of W. B. Stewart.

C. E. topic: July 19, Temperance meeting. "How to Promote Total Abstinence." Harold Minto, leader.

James Pollock left Monday for Hinckley to be gone several days.

Miss Madge Carwise, of Chicago, is the guest of A. O. Nelson.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son, of Chicago, and others visited John Trotter and just as they were half way in the lane their automobile struck the bridge and now it is laid up for repairs.

Antioch News20 August 1908
Clarence Cummings of Waukgan has been here visiting with friends.

A daughter was born on Tuesday Aug. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Strang.

Bert Trotter of Evanston has been spend his vacation with his sister Mrs. Bain.

Miss Cora Hucher of Lake Villa visited last Thursday with Miss Mable Bonner.

Mrs. Wakefield of Gurnee visited from Wednesday till Saturday with Mrs. Bater.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred White from the east are here visiting with Mrs. William Cremin.

Clayton Denman of Highland Park and J. R. Cutler of Zion City have been spending a week at C. E. Denmans.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower attended the weeding last Tuesday evening of Miss Laura Sylvestor and Mr. N. E. Finn in Waukegan.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 20 August 1908
Born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. David Young a 9 1-2 pound girl.

Mr. Wentworth of Chicago visited from Saturday till Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Pantall.

Mrs. D. B. Taylor of St. Louis is here visiting with Mrs. W. B. Stewart and other friends.

A. H. Stewart started Monday on a trip to Canada and on his return he will visit with his brother John Stewart in North Dakota.

Jo Cutler of Zion City and Clayton Denman of Highland Park are here visiting with Edwin Denman.

Miss Addie Jenkinson of Waukegan is here visiting with Miss Ruby Gillings.

Mrs. Wakefield of Gurnee visited a few days the latter part of last week with Mrs. Mary Bater.

Miss Mabel Bonner entertained two of her friends last week. Miss Cora Hucker of Lake Villa and Miss Gladys Stewart of Gurnee.

Clarence Cummings of Waukegan was visiting here last week.

Clarence Bonner of Chicago was home Sunday.

Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago came home Sunday.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 22 August 1908
Miss Inez Pollock visited her mother the fore part of the week.

W. F. Wentworth, of Chicago, visited R. Pantall and called on friends in this vicinity Sunday and Monday.

Clarence Cummings, of Waukegan, was a Millburn caller last week.

Arthur Van Alstine is spending this week with relatives in Waukegan.

Miss McGerrity returned to Chicago this week having spent a two weeks' vacation with her sister, Mrs. Foster.

C. E. topic, Aug. 23 "Vacation Religion," Rev. A. W. Safford, leader.

Misses Emily Saunders and Kittie Garrity are visiting Mrs. Geo. Yocum.

Mrs. Taylor, of St. Louis, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart.

A. H. Stewart left Monday for a short visit to Canada and on his return will go to Minnesota to visit his brother, John. Mr. Stewart expects to be gone about two weeks.

W. B. Weed left Wednesday for a two weeks visit among relatives in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. David Young are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, born Monday, Aug. 17.

Horace H. Tower left last Thursday for Dakota and will join his parents in California in the near future.

J. R. Cutler, of Zion City, and Clayton Denman, of Highland Park, are guests of Edwin Denman.

Frank Yule and men, of Somers, began work on Ed Martin's new house last week.

Antioch News27 August 1908
Mr. Wm. Weed is spending two weeks with relatives in Chicago.

Miss Mildred Cutler of Zion City, is visiting with Mrs. W. G. McGuire.

Mrs. Cory from the east, is here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock.

Mrs. Eliza Hughes and daughter Pearl of Libertyville, spent Sunday here.

Miss Alice Jamieson of Chicago, spent Sunday with Mrs. George Jamieson.

Mrs. Chas. Matthews of Kenosha, visited over Sunday with Mrs. Josephine Matthews.

Mr. and Mrs. John Buss of Rochester, Wis., have been visiting with Mrs. Jamieson.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom of Libertyville, and Ed Taylor of Chicago, were here Sunday.

The Misses Annie McCredie Clara Nelson, Margaret White and Edith Van Alstine are attending teachers' institute.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 27 August 1908

Bert Wieneche of Sycamore, Ill., visited among old friends a few days last week.

Miss Cutler of Zion is here visiting with Mrs. Guy McGuire.

Mrs. Taylor of St. Louis has returned to her home after a short visit here.

H. H. Tower has gone on a trip to North Dakota.

Miss Margaret White, Miss Van Alstine,. Miss McCredie and Miss Nelson have been attending teachers' institute in Waukegan the past two weeks.

Mrs. Charles Matthews of Kenosha has been here visiting with Mrs. Matthews.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 29 August 1908
B. F. Yule, Fred Heddle and Messrs. Dissel and Jensen spent Sunday at their respective homes at Somers, Wis.

Mrs. Taylor left W. B. Stewart's the last of the week to visit relatives in Milwaukee.

Miss Hazel Thain, John Stephens, J. S. Denman and others spent Sunday at Fort Sheridan.

Mrs. A. W. Safford visited from Wednesday until Friday at Wheaton, Ill.

C. E. topic Aug. 30, Foreign Missions. Annie McCredie, leader.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Armour a daughter, Monday, Aug 21.

Lloyd White, Mrs. Alice Stewart and Miss Cora White, of Waukegan, and two ladies relatives from Nebraska visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White.

Mrs. H. E. Jamison and daughter Vida, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Jamison, the doctor's mother from Cherry Valley returned with them.

Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Green, Sr., Mrs. Green, Jr., and Miss Addie Green, of Waukegan, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower last Friday.

Miss Alice Jamieson, of Chicago, came Friday to spend a two week's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jamieson.

Ed Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom, Edna Neikork and Mrs. Hughes, of Libertyville, were Millburn visitors Sunday.

Richard Thain, of Oak Park, and Rev. A. R. Thain, of Wauwatosa, Wis., visited their nephew, J. A. Thain over Sunday. Rev. Thain preached in Rev. Safford's place.

Mr. and Mrs. John Buss and son James, of Rochester, Wis., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson this week.

Miss Mildred Cutler, of Zion City, is the guest of Mrs. W. G. McGuire this week.

Earle Yule, of Somers, is visiting his cousins, Victor and Leon Strang, this week.

Mrs. John Hughes, of Lake Villa, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Strang this week.

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