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Newspaper Clippings for
January, 1907

Antioch News03 January 1907
Clarence Bonner returned to Chicago on Tuesday.

Mrs. F. Denman and son returned to Highland Park last Friday.

Mrs. Adams and children returned to Chicago on Friday last.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner and family spent Christmas day in Waukegan.

Marshall Odett received word of the death of his father in Michigan who died Friday, Dec. 21.

Mrs. Sarah Dodge and niece Vera Worden of Rochester, Wis, have been visiting since last Thursday among relatives and friends here.

Mrs. Edna Pember of Northampton, O., and Mrs. Ralph Taylor of Lily Lake, were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. A. H. Stewart last week.

Rev and Mrs. Safford are the proud grandparents of a grand-daughter which arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheaton, Wheaton, Ill., on Thursday, Dec. 27.

On Sunday morning, Dec. 30, at his home in Chicago occurred the death of Mr. Ruddles who is well known here having been a resident of Millburn for a number of years.

Those from Chicago and vicinity who attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Mary Stewart, were Mr. and Mrs. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Lockie, Mr. and Mrs. DeSwarte, Mrs. John McGowan, Misses Margaret and Lizzie Corin and Mr. James Corin of Lake Forest. Two nieces, Jean McCredie and Agnes Bundy, of Chicago.

Antioch News10 January 1907
Mrs. Irene Taylor returned to Lily Lake last Wednesday.

Mabel and Bae Adams are going to attend school here for an indefinite time.

Mr. Brown of Chicago brought his son Warren out Saturday to begin school here Monday.

Mrs. R. L. Hughes of Chicago visited with her mother from Saturday till New Years.

Mrs. Helen Buss and son of Rochester have been visiting with Mrs. George Jamieson.

Mrs. Geo. Strang will entertain the Ladies Aid society at her own home on Thursday, February 7.

Mrs. John Buss returned home Monday accompanied by her father, Ed. Dodge, who is going to visit with her a short time.

Mrs. John Hughes of Libertyville returned home Friday after a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. Robert Strang.

Mrs. James Thom and son have been visiting for a few days with her mother, Mrs. Yule, of Somers, and was also in attendance at her sister's wedding.

Mrs. Mavor of Chicago attended the marriage of her neice, Mabel Yule, in Somers on New Years day and spent the remainder of the week here with her mother, returning to her home on Sunday.

The Ladies Aid society elected their officers last Thursday for the ensuing year. The are as follows: President, Mrs. J. A. Thain; Vice President, Mrs. W. J. White; Secretary, Mrs. George Gerrity; Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Bonner.

Antioch News17 January 1907
Mrs. Menzo Webb has been quite ill the past week.

Mrs. Trotter and daughter Lucy went to Evanston Saturday.

Mr. H. D. Hughes of Gurnee, was a caller here Saturday.

Mabel and Bae Adams returned to Chicago last Wednesday.

Mr. Perkins of Kenosha, has been here visiting with J. A. Thain.

Mrs. Wright of Evanston, is here visiting with Miss Carrie Bater.

Mrs. C. E. Denman was a Chicago visitor Wednesday last.

Mr. Ross of Ft. Worth, Texas, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Watson.

Mrs. A. W. Safford spent Friday and Saturday with her daughter at Wheaton.

A few from here attended the Farmers' Institute at Antioch Thursday and Friday.

Mr. A. B. Johnson of Antioch, was in attendance at the Millburn Insurance Co's meeting Saturday.

Mrs. Wright returned to Evanston on Monday accompanied by her friend, Miss Carrie Bater.

Mrs. Wm. Thom received word on Friday last, of the death of her aunt, Elizabeth Alice Andres of Chicago she is well known here.

The Ladies Aid will give a bazaar and supper from five till seven of Friday evening, Jan. 25, at the church. The C. E. society will sell ice cream and candy.

Many are mistaken as to who the person is that eats so many bananas. It is Horace H. Tower, son of W. S. Tower of Chicago, instead of Horace B. Tower.

The orders of Masons and Eastern Star installed their officers in their hall on Wednesday evening, Jan. 9. After the installation a selection was rendered by the quartette, then a bountiful repast was served in the dining room. The officers installed for the ensuing year in the Star are as follows: Worthy Matron, Mrs. H. E. Jamieson; Worthy Patron, J. A. Thain; Associate Matron, Mrs. A. K. Bain; Sec'y Mrs. J. A. Thain; Treasurer, Mrs. Alfred Mead; Conductress, Mrs. G. B. Stephens, Associate conductress, Mrs. John Crawford; Ada, Mrs. R. G. Hughes; Ruth, Miss Hanna Patch; Ester, Mrs. John Trotter; Martha, Miss Hazel Thain; Electa, Mrs. Elmer Cannon; Marshall, E. A. Martin; Warder, G. B. Stephens; Sentinel, Alfred Mead.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 17 January 1907
Miss Carrie Bater went to Evanston Monday to stay for an indefinite time.

Mrs. Wright who has been visiting with Miss Carrie Bater returned to Evanston, Monday.

Quite a number from different parts of the county attended the insurance meeting last Saturday.

A. B. Johnson of Antioch attended the insurance meeting here.

Mrs. C. E. Denman spent last Wednesday in Chicago.

The Adams children returned home last week.

Mrs. Watson entertained over Sunday a friend, Mr. Ross of Fort Worth Texas.

Mrs. Geo. Strang will entertain the Ladies Aid at her home on Thursday Feb. 7.

The Ladies Aid will hold their bazaar in the church on Friday evening, Jan. 25. If we have sleighing everyone try to come.

The Masons and Eastern Star installed their new officers on Wednesday night, Jan. 9th, with their usual banquet following. The officers installed in the O. E. S. were as follows: Wor. Matron, Mrs. H. E. Jamison; Wor. Pat, J. A. Thain; Asst. Matron, Mrs. A. K. Bain; Sec., Mrs. J. A. Thain; Treas., Mrs. Alf. Mead; Conductress, Mrs. G. B. Stephens; Asst. Cond., Mrs. John Crawford; Ada, Mrs. Gussie Hughes; Ruth, Miss Hanna Patch; Esther, Mrs. John Trotter; Martha, Miss Hazel Thain; Electa, Mrs. Nellie Cannon; Warder, Mr. G. B. Stephens; Sent., Alf Mead; Organist, Miss Lucy Trotter.

Miss Lucy Trotter and her mother have gone to Chicago after visiting here for some time.

Mrs. Safford returned Saturday from Wheaton, Ill., where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Wheaton.

Mr. Charles Humphrey of Waukegan was a caller here on Monday.

Souvenir post cards of the church can be purchased at the bazaar.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 19 January 1907
Mr. Perkins, of Kenosha, has been visiting J. A. Thain and attended Masons installation.

Arthur Clark has returned from Michigan having spent two weeks with his parents.

Frank Lewis' baby has been quite sick but is better.

Mrs. Trotter and daughter Lucy returned to Evanston last Saturday.

A. K. Bain transacted business in Chicago Friday.

Mr. Ross, of Ft. Worth, Texas, visited Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Watson. Mr. Ross is on his way to New York on a business trip.

Mrs. A. W. Safford went to Wheaton Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Wheaton, returning Saturday.

Mrs. Wright nee Davis, of Evanston, formerly of this place spent several days with Miss C. E. Bater. Mrs. Wright and Miss Bater returned Monday to Evanston.

Mr. Johnson, the Antioch editor, attended the insurance meeting Saturday.

H. D. Hughes, of Gurnee, was in our midst the latter part of last week.

The Millburn Insurance meeting was well attended considering the bad roads.

Miss Elizabeth Alice Andres, well known here and an aunt of Mrs. Wm. Thom Jr., and Mrs. Geo. Dodge, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Gossick, Windsor Park, Jan. 11. Interment at Rose Hill.

The Ladies Aid will hold their bazaar and supper in the church Friday evening, Jan. 25. Supper served from 5 to 8.

C. E. Topic "More Than Conquerors The Victory Over Temptation", Mrs. Minnetta McGuire, leader.

Rev. Safford was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gerrity and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower gave an oyster supper at the home of H. B. Tower, Wednesday, Jan. 9. A fine time was reported.

They are holding another week of services in the evening at the church this week.

The Eastern Star and Masons installed their officers Wednesday, Jan. 9, in their hall and a fine banquet was served. On account of the rough roads those from a distance could not get there. Several of the Masons were not out and we cannot give a full list of officers of the Masons. The following are the officers of the Eastern Star Chapter: W. Matron, Mrs. H. E. Jamieson; W. Patron, J. A. Thain; Asst. Matron, Mrs. A. K. Bain; Secy, Mrs. J. A. Thain; Treas, Mrs. Alfred Mead; Conductress, Mrs. G. B. Stephens; Ada, Mrs. R. G. Hughes; Esther, Mrs. John Trotter; Martha, Mrs. Hazel Thain; Electa, Mrs. Elmer Cannon; Ruth, Hannah Patch; Marshal, E. A. Martin; Chaplain, Mrs. John Bonner; Organist, Miss Lucy Trotter; Warden, G. B. Stephens; Sent., Mrs. Alfred Mead.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 22 January 1907
Millburn Insurance Co. Feels That
Mutual Company Should be Able To Take Bigger Risks.
The following important resolution was adopted at the recent annual meeting of the Millburn Insurance Co., the only local insurance company in Lake county:
Whereas the laws of the State of Illinois limit the amount of insurance that can be written in one risk by farm Mutual Insurance Companies to four thousand five hundred dollars, and,
Whereas, this amount is now inadequate to give reasonable insurance to a very large number of farm buildings, also including other farm property that must now be included in one and the same risk.
Therefore be it Resolved, that the Millburn Mutual Insurance Co. assembled this day in their 52nd annual meeting request our members of this the 8th Senatorial District to use their influence and votes to have the Farm Mutual Insurance Laws so amended as to allow Farm Mutual companies to write insurance to the amount that may be written in one risk to six thousand dollars and be it further
Resolved that our secretary be instructed to mail a copy of these resolutions to each member of the general assembly from the 8th Senatorial district.
Antioch News24 January 1907
Remember the bazaar on Friday night Jan. 25.

Miss Annie McCredie was home over Sunday.

Mrs. Thom's mother, Mrs. Harris is visiting here.

Mrs. W. B. Stewart spent two days of last week in Chicago.

Mrs. M. Odette and Miss Ladora Ames visited in Milwaukee this week.

Miss Sadie Irving formerly of this place was married on Tuesday Jan. 15, in Waukegan to Mr. Frank Sevy of Silver Lake. Congratulations.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 26 January 1907
How did you like the weather Sunday? This is winter, did you know it?

Cameron Gillings who has been staying with his aunt, Mrs. VanAlstine, left Thursday with his father, Geo. Gillings, for North Dakota.

Miss Elizabeth Tower is staying a few weeks with Mrs. Bater.

Miss Sadie Irving, of Millburn vicinity, and Mr. Sevic, of Silver Lake, were married Jan. 15. Congratulations.

The C. E. topic, "Home Missions, The Progress of the Indian," Harold Minto, leader.

Service will be held several nights longer this week.

Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson were Libertyville callers Monday.

Mrs. A. W. Safford left Tuesday for Wheaton, where she has gone to stay a week with her daughter.

The Ladies Aid will hold their bazaar this Friday, Jan. 25. Supper from 5 to 8. Be sure and come.

Richard Pantall has been on the sick list.

Mrs. Edna Stewart Pember having spent a month with her father, A. H. Stewart, returned to her home at Amherst, Ohio, Wednesday of this week.

Arthur Nelson left Saturday for Urbana where he will take a short course at the agricultural experimental station.

Mr. Robertson has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson the past week. Mr. Robertson is thinking of buying a farm near Racine.

The C. E. society serve home made candy and ice cream at the bazaar Friday evening.

Mrs. Nichraus has gone to Chicago to visit a few weeks with her parents.

Don't forget the bazaar.

Antioch News31 January 1907
Leslie Cannon is quite sick with pneumonia.

Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson were Libertyville visitors on Monday.

Mrs. W. J. White gave a dinner to a number of friends on Monday.

Miss Mabel Irving and friend of Chicago visited over Sunday with relatives here.

Mrs. Richard Kimball and son Marseton of Oak Park have been visiting at John Trotters.

The bazaar was well attended considering the weather, and the ladies realized a nice sum of money.

Mrs. Marshal Odett and Miss Lanora Ames returned Saturday night from their visit to Milwaukee.

Elmer Cannon and two daughters, Helen and Carrie are sick with influenza at the present writing.

Mrs. Edna Pember started last week for her home in Amhurst, Ohio, after spending a month with her father at this place.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 31 January 1907
Mrs. Richard Kimball of Oak Park, returned to her home Tuesday after visiting a few days with Mrs. John Trotter.

Mrs. Safford is in Wheaton, Ill., making an extended visit with her daughter.

Ed. Gillings of Waukegan spent Sunday with Ed Wells.

Frank Slaven has been sick with the "Grippe".

Elmer Cannon is quite sick at present writing, his son, Leslie has pneumonia and is getting along as well as can be expected.

Mrs. M. Odett and Miss Ames who have been visiting in Milwaukee returned home last Saturday night.

Mabel Irving was in Millburn over Sunday.

Mr. Stewart's daughter Mrs. Pember has returned to her home in Amhurst, Ohio.

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