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Newspaper Clippings for
March, 1904

Antioch News3 March 1904
Mr. Lee is on the gain and expects to be out next Sunday.

Wm. McCredie put his new telephone in last Saturday.

Mrs. John Bonner gave a dinner last Friday to a few intimate friends.

There will be a Missionary Tea at the home of Mrs. Bater Wednesday, March 2.

Mr. C. B. Cummings is very sick with pneumonia. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

Mr. Parrel, of the Moody Institute, filled the pulpit last Sunday in the absence of Mr. Lee.

C. E. Topic, March 6--How Christ stills the storms of life. Roy Hughes, leader.

Mrs. W. B. Stewart will entertain the Ladies' Aid society Thursday, March 3. Visitors welcome.

Mrs. McGuire was called to take care of her mother, Mrs. Esty, who has been quite sick with pneumonia.

The Millburn C. E. expects to send a large delegation to the C. E. Rally at Libertyville Friday, March 4.

Mr. and Mrs. John Trotter celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Only the near relatives of both families were in attendance.

A party of young people surprised Miss Mabel Irving on her birthday Monday, February 22. The young lady was completely surprised. They passed the time in playing games and guessing charades, after which all partook of a fine repast and departed to their homes.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 7 March 1904
Will Strang has gone to Marshfield, Wis., to visit his brother George.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart attended church at Grayslake Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner gave a dinner party Wednesday.

Mrs. Wm. Thom, Jr. gave her husband a surprise party March 1st, it being his birthday.

Mrs. James McGreggor, of Libertyville, and Mrs. Helen Clark called on Mrs. Pantall Monday.

Henry Edmunds has moved onto A. H. Stewart's farm which he has rented.

Edmund Gerry will move back from Waukegan onto the old home farm.

Mrs. Wm. Thom, Sr., gave a party last Thursday.

Elmer Gravlin, who has been with J. A. Strang through the winter, has gone to Marengo, Ill.

Mr. Cummings is gaining slowly and is able to be up around.

Landon Odum goes to Elmer Pollock's for the summer.

Rev. Mr. Lee is recovering from his recent severe illness and expects to be in the pulpit Sunday.

Mr. Pollock has gone to Philadelphia on business.

The C. E. business meeting will be held with Leslie and Margery Cannon's.

Elmer Pollock's young son is named John K. Pollock, a favorite name in this place.

Mrs. Pantall returned Tuesday from a few days' visit in the city.

Mr. Wentworth will go to the city Saturday to bring out Warren Brown for a week.

Mr. Wentworth's favorite dog, "Mack" died Wednesday.

James McGregor is a conductor on the "Santa Fe" railroad in Southern California. The family expects to go in June.

Antioch News10 March 1904
A euchre party was held in Young's hall last Thursday evening.

Earl White, Harold Minto, Jesse Denman and Clarence Bock attended the C. E. rally at Libertyville Friday, March 4.

Mrs. William Thom gave a party last Tuesday evening, March 1, in honor of Mr. Thom's birthday.

C. E. Topic, March 13--Appetites that unmake men. Jeppie Jepson, leader.

A circulating library is coming to Millburn and will be in charge of the Ladies' Aid.

Henry Edmonds moved to A. H. Stewart's farm last Tuesday.

The Y.P.S.C.E. will give a Leap Year Shadow social Thursday evening, March 10. Gentlemen to bring basket with lunch for two, and the ladies are to buy the baskets.

Mrs. Geo. Gevity was a Chicago visitor last week.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 12 March 1904
Dr. Galloway, of Libertyville, visited at Mr. Pantall's a few days recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trotter have a little daughter.

Peter Duncan had the misfortune to have one of his feet badly cut with a machine saw while helping to saw wood at Robert McDougall's Tuesday.

Mr. Jamieson has been cutting down all the trees in front of the cemetery that interfere with the long distance telephone.

Rev. Mr. Lee was able to be in the pulpit Sunday.

Mrs. Odum has a brother here from Tennessee.

Mrs. John L. Hughes gave a party Thursday.

Antioch News17 March 1904
Mrs. John Hughes gave dinner Thursday, March 10.

Mrs. F. T. Lee is visiting with relatives in Evanston.

Mr. C. B. Cummings, who has been worse again, is now on the gain.

The C. E. will send four delegates to Libertyville, March 25, to attend a banquet.

Mrs. Wm. Estey, of Lamb's Corners, Mrs. McGuire's mother, is now convalesence.

Mr. Leslie Kane spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bater and in calling on Millburn friends.

The boys of the Y.P.S.C.E. have cut Mr. Duncan's wood and will soon make another bee to draw it up.

Mr. Henry Heitman, husband of Lucinda Ruddles, formerly of this place, died at his home in Chicago, Tuesday, March 8, after an illness of only ten days of pneumonia.

Peter Duncan, who had his foot so badly cut last Tuesday with a buzz saw at Robt. McDougal's is getting along as nicely as could be expected. It is a very serious cut and it will be months before he is able to get around.

Antioch News24 March 1904
Mrs. R. L. Strang gave a dinner Thursday, March 17.

Mrs. C. B. Cummings was a Racine visitor this week.

Miss Carrie Bater visited in Chicago a few days last week.

Victor Strang was home for a few days from Rochester, where he attends school.

The leap year shadow social was very well attended and a neat sum was realized.

Mrs. Bertha Corey, of Montana, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pollock.

There will be a silver medal contest at the Congregational church Saturday evening, April 2.

Misses Gussie and Hazel Thain, Vivien Bonner and Ruby Hughes are home for a ten days' vacation from school.

C. E. Topic, March 27--Jesus' work for His own country; what I cando for mine. Earl White, leader.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 26 March 1904
The Shadow social was held in Young's Hall last Friday evening and afforded a great deal of amusement. Mrs. Alfred Bain was the auctioneer and set forth all good qualities of the donkeys and men, with tall hats and flapping coats, and excellent qualities presumably. The C. E. society, who gave it, made $12.50. The gentlemen and donkeys furnished the lunch baskets.

Mrs. John Campbell Cary, from Helena, Montana, is visiting her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pollock.

Mrs. R. L. Strang and her son Victor, of Rochester high school, were in the city Saturday.

Mr. Cummings is gaining now and will move to Waukegan this spring.

Misses Gussie and Hazel Thain are home from Mount Carroll for the vacation.

Mrs. R. L. Strang gave a dinner party to twenty of her friends last Thursday.

Miss Vivian Bonner is home from the Normal school. The young people gave her a pleasant surprise party Tuesday evening.

Antioch News31 March 1904
Misses Gussie and Hazel Thain returned to Mount Carroll Monday.

Mrs. Wilouby left last week for Indianapolis, Indiana, to stay with her sister.

The silver medal contest has been postponed until Saturday evening, April 23.

C. E. Topic, April 8--Our victories through Christ. Easter meeting. Alice Dodge, leader.

The grandson of Mrs. George Strang and son of Mrs. Cora Anderson died at the home of his parents in Kansas Sunday night at ten o'clock. His aunt, Mrs. W. B. Stewart left Monday to attend the funeral.

Miss Vivian Bonner was home for a ten days' vacation form Normal school in DeKalb. A party was given in her honor at her home Tuesday evening, March 22. About thirty young people were present and the time was pleasantly spent in playing various games. A fine repast was served, to which all did ample justice. Miss Vivian returned to school Monday.

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