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Newspaper Clippings for
September, 1901

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 5 September 1901
Miss Kiehl returned to Waukegan Tuesday.

John Trotter was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth are expected home soon.

Mrs. W. H. Judson of Evanston visited their old Millburn friends last week.

Quite a number of Millburnites attended the picnic at Hickory Wednesday.

Miss Libbie Jameison is in Chicago caring for her brother-in-law who is ill with typhoid fever.

Mrs. Julia Adams and family who have spent some weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Pantall has returned to Quincy.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Logan, whose missionary labors at Fox Lake this summer have resulted in the erection of a new church conducted services here Sunday evening. They soon sail for the Island of Guaan.

"Jimmie" Low of Evanston, a nephew of Mrs. Bater, appeared among us recently and made almost unbelievable revelations regarding the schoolboy pranks of some of our most staid and dignified townsmen. We are constrained to believe that boys are pretty much of a nuisance."

"The Haymakers", which it may be said "en Passant" is quite the most taking secular cantata within the ken of your correspondent, was very acceptably presented on the evening of the 20th. Mr. Starkweather, to whose faithful drilling the success of the entertainment is due, acted both as musical director and stage manager and seemed to be almost omnipresent with a song here, a word there and a general supervision of the whole. Mrs. Starkweather's sweet voice added its full quota to the evening's enjoyment. Dr. Brown from Belvidere characterized the farmer most skillfully and his well rendered solos were a delight to listen to. Mr. Dalziel's clear tenor made "sweet melodies" and Alfred Bain's rich baritone is too well known and liked to need praise. Mr. Barstow made up as a typical dude and laboring under the disadvantage of indisposition, slept and snorted then fought wasps and sheltered under a tattered umbrella, singing meantime his terrors and pleadings in such a realistic manner as to elicit shouts of merriment from the audience. The management is indebted to him for the use of the draw curtain as well as histrionic and musical assistance. To those who came from a distance and so cheerfully lent such efficient aid, the entire community is under obligation. We express the sentiments of Millburn musicians when we say, that if these, our sister towns every get "stuck" and want our help they have only to ask to receive of our best.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 6 September 1901
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Leroy of Honey Creek, Wis. visited Mrs. Winnkie a few days and returned home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John King, of Milwaukee visited at Dr. Taylor's last week. Mr. King is a brother of Mrs. Taylor's.

Alice and Helen Dodge and Vera Worden, also Lesile Bonner all went to Rochester Monday to attend school.

Margaret Lawrence returned to Tabor, Iowa, Monday where she teaches in the college.

Miss Belle Roods died last Thursday of typhoid fever. She was buried at Bloomington. Much sympathy is felt for her aged father and mother. They live on the McAllister farm.

George Miller was brought home from the city and stood the journey very well.

Claud and Ellen Rose returned to Rochester Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton of Waukegan visited here several days returning home Monday.

Jessie Strang gave a dinner party Monday in honor of friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton.

There is a new bridge being built across the creek at Jessie Strang's.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 14 September 1901
A great many went to the Fair.

Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth got home last Thursday. Mr. Wentworth went fishing with Joe Jefferson and Grover Cleveland.

Mrs. J. M. Strang is expected home from Minneapolis soon.

Miss Ina Lawrence returned to Fargo, N. D., last Monday after a two weeks visit with her mother here and old friends and relatives.

Mrs. Wm. Thom and son are at Dwight, Ill., visiting her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Harris. Mr. Chope is keeping house for the "mail carrier" during her absence.

Mrs. Henry Hightman and daughter Grace of Chicago visited last week at Mrs. Horace Tower's.

Miss Eleanor McDougall gave a very enjoyable Missionary tea at her home on the lawn last Wednesday. There was a large number present and a pleasant and profitable time was enjoyed by all.

Arthur Spafford was out from the city to stay over Sunday with his mother.

Mr. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, Miss Margaret and Ina Lawrence and several others attended the dedication of the new Congregational church at Fox Lake. The church is much needed and will be well attended no doubt.

Gertie Mavor of Chicago who visited her aunt Mrs. Hughes last week and attended the Fair returned home Saturday.

Miss Alice Judson who boards with Mrs. Bater goes to Ann Arbor, Mich., Saturday to stay during the winter.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 21 September 1901
Lyburn Stewart of Chicago is out home.

The Ladies Aid Society meets with Mrs. Peter Stewart Thursday afternoon.

All the schools opened again with Annie McCredie in the Dodge school, Alice Cunningham, the Grub school and Tessie Cunningham in the Hockaday school, all fine teachers.

Susie Lucas teaches in the Scoville school.

Bert Trotter is at home helping John.

Ernest White, Gordon Bonner, Earl White and three Hughes boys, Smith, Harold and Kenneth are all at Champaign to attend the Agricultural College.

Mrs. Rood's mother died suddenly last week and was taken to Bloomington for burial. Two deaths in two weeks.

Mrs. Jessie Thorn returned Friday from a two weeks visit at Dwight, Ill.

Wm. Thom, James Thom and Guy Hughes all attended the Milwaukee Fair.

Mrs. Geo. Strang is spending the week with her sons Will and Eugene at Fox Lake.

Mrs. Sarah Murrie and little Mabel visited her mother at Wadsworth Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. John M. Strang returned Tuesday from Fargo and Minneapolis where she has been the last two months for her health which is some improved. She visited Miss Iva Lawrence while in Fargo and was shown through all the College where Miss Iva is a teacher.

Wm. Bonner returned last week from his trip to Iowa and Dakota.

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