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Newspaper Clippings for
February, 1901

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 02 February 1901
Miss Katie Vandevere of Chicago visited Mrs. Wm. Mitchell a few days and called on her friends. She returned to the city Tuesday.

Mrs. Wm. Mavor of Chicago, wife of Ald. Mavor is visiting her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang.

Mr. L. B. Starkweather, of Belvidere, was here a few days tuning pianos and calling on some of his friends.

Dr. Jamison gave up at last and was sick in bed a few days. He is now able to be up and see office patients and will soon be on the road again answering numerous calls.

The school young folks gave Victor Strang a surprise party which was much enjoyed by all who came. Games, music and supper occupied the time which passed too quickly.

The singers had a rehearsal at Mr. Bairstow's Wednesday night preparatory for the Farmers' Institute. They had a fine sleigh ride to and from Mr. Bairstow's.

Mr. Pantall returned from a few days' visit at Mrs. Adams' at Chicago Lawn. He brought little Bae Adams home with him. Mrs. Adams and Mable will come out Saturday after her.

There was a very enjoyable party at Walter Palmer's in honor of John's birthday. There was a good attendance and all came home happy.

E. A. Martin, Wm. Mitchell and Wm. Bonner are the new trustees of the church. Business does not drag with them. The chimneys on the church were cleaned last Saturday so there will be no more smoke in the church.

from Antioch News7 February 1901
A Successful Meeting with a Large Attendance.
The Seventh Congressional District Meeting of the Farmers Institute which was held at Millburn on Friday and Saturday of last week, in conjunction with the County Institute, was without doubt one of the most successful meetings held in the County since the institute was organized. The attendance was perhaps not as large as at some of the other meetings of the Institute, although the commodious church in which the institute was held, was comfortably filled at every session, but certainly the percent of farmers and their wives, sons and daughters was larger than at other meetings of the institute, and as this is mainly the class that the workers of the institute aim to reach, it can be safely set down that the attendance was all that could be desired.
Aside from general intelligence and up-to-date characteristics of the people of Millburn they possess hospitable natures and are widely noted for their musical abilities, in fact music and song seems to have sprung spontaneous from the soil and to have impregnated the atmosphere so thoroughly that one need only open their mouth to break forth in song and melody.
Under such favorable circumstances it is not wonderful that the program on Friday evening was one of the very best, consisting of a recitation by Miss Susy Lucas, a song by the quartette consisting of Mrs. Dr. Jamison, Miss Bater and Messrs. Ralph Spafford and George Dodge, a solo by Ralph Spafford, a duet by the Misses Thain, a solo by Mr. Ling, also solos by Ernest White, Miss Patch and Ralph Spafford. The chorus, "Mortgage the Farm," was among the best of the evenings productions although all features were enthusiastically received and in every instance those taking part in the program were obliged to respond to an encore. Mrs. R. L. Strang is deserving of special commendation as an accompanist, she being equally at home on either the piano or organ.
The first session of the institute was called to order Friday morning by President Ralph Chittenden, and after invocation of Divine blessing by the pastor, Rev. Mitchell, a brief explanation of the object and aims of the institute was made by Director H. D. Hughes, after which the regular work of the institute was taken up by an excellent paper by John A. Thain on Short Horn Cattle. After considerable discussion on the many good points drawn out by Mr. Thains paper, and adjournment for dinner was taken, and with one accord a bee line was taken to the dining hall where the ladies of the church Aid Society provided meals for all. In this connection it is proper to say that the many good meals provided by the ladies of Millburn on similar occasions, suffered in comparison with the meals provided throughout the entire institute, and were it not that such rich cakes, crisp pies, tarts, cookies and other goodies, to say nothing of the big luscious chicken pies are productive of despepsia, one fain would dine there forever and a day.
After dinner the subject of good roads was taken up and discussed at considerable length by Mr. Gross, of Chicago, and a resolution passed favoring state aid in the building of permanent improvements on the public highways. Alex Galbrath, of Janesville, then gave a very interesting talk on the conformation of the horse. Ellen D. Farwell, of Lake Forest, then read a very interesting paper on Birds in their Relation to Agriculture, which was an eloquent plea to spare the birds. H. M. Maxham, of Diamond Lake, then gave a brief talk on poultry, after which the institute adjourned for the evening meeting.
The evening session was called to order at seven o'clock, with all seats comfortably filled. The program as above set forth was then carried out, and Hon. A. S. Collins, of Harvard, was then introduced and gave an eloquent and stirring address, taking as his theme "What Inducements Does Farm Life Hold out for the Young People Today." Mr. Collins is certainly a speaker of great power and ability, and if the real in farm life approaches near his ideal, farm life today must be an ideal sort of an existence, a sort of hazy, indistinct glimpse of paradise or the promised land, if one but reaches forth their hand to grasp it. There are however, some fellows "stripping" cows on the lee side of a tumbled-down shed with the thermometer indicating zero, who will probably combat Mr. Collins' ideal of farm life, yet the truth of the matter is that life upon the farm as elsewhere, depends in a great measure on what we make of it and how we take it.
Dr. W. B. Lewin, D. V. S., of Russell, read a very interesting and instructive paper on Tuberculosis in Cattle, which provoked considerable discussion among the farmers and stock raisers present, the Doctor holding to the theory which seems to be well established in practice, that the only way to determine the existence of the disease in a live animal or heard is to submit the animal to a tuberculean test, and that a rise of 2 1/2 degrees above the normal if maintained from two to four hours is a very strong indication of the existence of the disease.
The morning session opened with prayer by the pastor, followed by a paper on Care of Milk From Cow to Creamery, by Elmer Cannon, in which Mr. Cannon gave some practical ideas along the line as the result of his own experience. C. C. Carpenter on potato culture, gave as the gist of his observations that there was a wrong as well as right way in the seemingly simple way of cutting planting potatoes, asserting that he found it more profitable to plant his potatoes when the soil and season was right than he did to plant them in the moon or under its influence, thus in a measure giving "old luna" a black eye as far as the potato is concerned.
Frank T. Holt, of Ranney, Wisconsin, was then introduced and read a very interesting paper on Ensilage and Experience with the Silo, in which many valuable and practical points gleaned from his own experience and observation were given.
Prof. A. D. Shamel, of the Illinois Agricultural College was next introduced and consumed the time until adjournment for dinner with a practical talk on smut in oats and how to avoid it, which cannot fail to be of great benefit to farmers. Prof. Shamel asserted and proved beyond a shadow of doubt that thousands of dollars was lost to the farmers of the state every year by the prevalence of smut in the oat crop. He strongly recommended the hot water treatment as a simple and inexpensive remedy and an absolute preventative of smut in the oat crop.
The afternoon session was called to order at one o'clock and the subject of Care and Management of Hogs was taken up by Mr. Maxham who showed quite clearly what should be done to produce the best results in breeding and fattening hogs, cleanliness, judgment, system and attention to the small details being in his opinion the great stumbling block over which many farmers register a failure in the successful breeding and handling of hogs.
The subject of corn breeding, selection and cultivation was then taken up by Prof. Shamel and during the course of his remarks, lasting nearly two hours, the closest attention was given by everyone and one could not but marvel as to how it were possible for an apparent boy to crowd into the few short years of his life a more intimate knowledge of corn than is possessed by any other man in the world to-day, but those who heard Mr. Shamel will hardly question the assertion, broad and sweeping as it may sound.
Hon. A. S. Collins, the silver tongued orator of Harvard, then spoke on "The Coming Farmer; Grade, Character, Results," painting such a beautiful word picture of the coming farmer that one need not be surprised to see him put on clean collars and cuffs and a swallow- tailed coat, when he goes into the parlor in the barn to milk the aesthetic cow.
A resolution was unanimously adopted requesting the Board of Supervisors to appropriate $75.00 towards the incidental expense of the Farmers Institute next year.
On behalf of the officers and members of the Institute the Secretary moved a vote of thanks to the trustees and members of the Congregational Church Society, those who took part in the evening's program and done so much to make that feature of the meeting a grand success, to the citizens of Millburn for their generous hospitality and last, but not least, to the Ladies Aid Society for the excellent meals furnished during the institute.
The pastor, Rev. Mitchell, in a few well chosen words, thanked the officers, members, speakers and visitors for the opportunity of becoming more in touch and better informed upon the great farming interests of to-day, and extended to all a most cordial invitation to visit his church at some future time and renew the bonds of friendship made at the institute. The business being completed, on motion the institute stood adjourned.

The meeting of the Farmers' Institute last week brought out a large attendance.

Rev. Mr. Mitchell commenced his duties at the Congregational church Sunday. All seem to be pleased with him.

Richard Pantall, C. B. Cummings and Miss K. L. Smith were Chicago visitors last week.

The new lamps in the church are fine.

How about the new pulpit furniture?

Mrs. William Mavor returned to Chicago Saturday.

Mrs. Norman Adams and Miss Mabel Adams are at Mr. and Mrs. Pantall's.

Hon. Geo, B. Stephens is quite ill at his residence.

Subjects at the Millburn Congregational Church for February 10th will be: Morning, 10:30, "Queen Victoria and lessons from her life." Evening: Song Service. Subject of short Sermon, "Music and its Mission."

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 8 February 1901
Mr. Cummings is in Chicago this week.

G. B. Stevens has had a touch of the grippe.

We are pleased to see Dr. Jamison once more upon our streets.

Miss Carrie Bater spent last Saturday and Sunday in Waukegan.

Herbert Mathews has been entertaining a brother from Kenosha.

No church services were held last Sunday evening on account of the blizzard.

Miss Jane Anderson who has been on the sick list for some time is greatly improved.

Miss Lucy and Ralph Spafford attended the Christian Endeavor convention in Waukegan.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Tower celebrated their 22nd anniversary of their marriage last week Thursday.

Mrs. Norman Adams and children of Chicago spent a part of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Pantall.

The Millburnites are wondering as to the next excitement. What with the fair, concert, church social, Insurance meeting and the Farmers Institute, in addition to the numerous private social functions, our little city has been quite giddy thus far this winter.

The infant daughter of John Chope created quite a domestic agitation last Saturday afternoon by partaking of concentrated lye. Fortunately none of the fiery stuff was swallowed but her mouth was badly burned. We would remark in passing that it is a pity that all "lies" do not scar the lips through which they pass.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 09 February 1901
Charles Mathews of Greenleaf, Kan., visited at Herbert Mathews' a few days last week and went to Kenosha Saturday where his family are at present.

Dr. Jamison was in the city on business Tuesday.

James Jamieson has been quite sick recently. He is able to be up again however.

George Duncan and wife visited his sister Mrs. Robertson in Lake Forest a few days last week.

Mr. Wentworth is having a serious time with neuralgia and tooth ache.

Mrs. A. N. R. Adams and little Mabel returned to the city Monday after a few days visit at the old home.

The big snow storm made fine sleighing.

The Farmers' Institute was held and well attended. The house was filled Friday and all the exercises were good. Mr. Lewin, V. S. and Mr. Maxham received marked attention. Susie Lucas is a natural elocutionist. Her selection Friday evening was good and much enjoyed by all and it takes Mr. Lang to sing a solo well. He played his own accompaniment and was heartily applauded. The song "Mortgage the Farm" was fine, also Ralph Spafford's songs. The ladies made about twenty seven dollars on the meals served. George Stephens was sick and not able to attend the Institute much to the regret of all.

The new Rochester lamps put up in the church last week are a great improvement over the old chandelier which had become so out of repair it could not be used any longer. Mr. Young bought it for his blacksmith shop.

Rev. George Mitchell who has been called to the pastorate of this church began his work here two weeks ago. Next Sunday morning he will speak on Queen Victoria and Lessons from her life. In the evening there will be a song service and a short sermon on music and its Mission. All are invited to come. The seats are free.

Alice Cunningham, teacher of the Grub school is sick so there is no school this week.

Wm. Stewart went with Dr. Jamieson to the city Tuesday. The doctor is not fully recovered from his illness yet.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 13 February 1901
Ed Martin's furniture is coming by installments.

Miss Alice Jamison of Chicago is home on a short visit.

Wm. B. Stewart and Arthur Spafford were Chicago visitors Monday.

Mrs. Yule and Miss Jessie Strang were Waukegan visitors Monday.

The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs. John Bonner Thursday.

The Physical Culture club was entertained by Mrs. John Hughes Friday.

Two new street lamps arrived Saturday. They will be placed in front of the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Adams of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pantall Saturday and Sunday.

Rev. Geo. Mitchell and Miss Cora White were delegates to the Cong. conference in Chicago Monday

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 15 February 1901
Edna Stewart and her brothers, Ross and Lyburn, were out from the city over Sunday and attended church.

The fine run of sleighing is very favorable for such work as filling ice houses, Dr. Farhney's large ice house was filled Monday with a fine quality of ice.

Miss Mary Wright of Chicago, visited a few days at Mrs. Smith's and returned to the city Monday. Thursday the 14th she is to be married to a Mr. Peter Stewart, of Chicago.

Miss Josephine Bulis of Milton, Wis., visited a few days at Mrs. Spafford's. She is a student at Evanston at present. She assisted the choir in the song service Sunday evening.

Mrs. Frank Yule of Somers, spent Sunday with her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Strang.

The ladies aid society meets with Mrs. R. L. Strang Thursday at 10 a.m. Dinner is served instead of supper.

Mr. Mitchell has brought on his library and desk and is now installed in his study in the upper room of the church, which he will occupy until he moves up to the "Manse" on the hill.

John Rose has bought the old homestead on the corner.

Will Mitchell took a few ladies to Waukegan Tuesday for a sleigh ride.

Libbie Jamieson is in the city for a few days.

Eugene Strang of Fox Lake, was here on business Tuesday.

Mr. Mitchell's excellent sermon on Queen Victoria Sunday was listened to with great interest and profit to all.

E. A. Martin was in the city Monday and Tuesday.

Married Thursday the 14th of Feb, 1901 at Ravenswood, Miss Mary Alice Knight to Glen Russell Powers of Beloit. Mamie Knight is well known to some in Lake Co., being a niece of Dr. Galloway of _______.and Mrs. Pantall, of Millburn.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 18 February 1901
Ed. Martin Sundayed in Chicago last week.

Miss Libbie Jamieson has been visiting friends in Blue Island.

Edna, Lyburn and Ross Stewart were with their parents last Sunday.

The Ladies' Aid Society held an all day session at Mrs. Irma Strang's on Thursday.

Miss Lucy Trotter is pursuing her musical studies in Chicago, under the instruction of Mr. Cody.

"The Beautiful" has fallen in such bountiful measure as to promise good sleighing for some time to come. How about a "bobing party."

Miss Josie Bullis, of Milton, Wis., who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Spafford returned to Evanston where she is attending the University, via Waukegan on Tuesday.

Miss Mary Wright, who has recently been entertained by Miss Kittie Smith and Mrs. Cummings, was married on Thursday evening at Ryan's Hall, Chicago, to Peter Stewart.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 22 February 1901
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Levoy of Norah, Ill., are visiting at John Thain's and Mrs. Winneckes, also other friends. All would be pleased if they would return and make their home here again. Mamie Thain Levoy was one of our best singers in the choir for many years.

Robert Lincoln Strang has gone to Chicago and Somers to spend a week visiting his sisters, Mrs. Mavor, Mrs. Bain and Mrs. Yule.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duncan and Miss Katherine Smith attended the wedding of Miss Wright and Peter Stewart in the city last Thursday.

The Ladies' Aid Society at their last meeting appropriated sixty dollars for new pulpit chairs. Rev. Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Bairstow are purchasing committee.

Mrs. Oscar Niekirk of Bloomington is a visitor at her father's, Wm. Thom's.

Florence Harris of Dwight, Ill., is visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. Thom, Jr. All will be glad to see Miss Florence back again.

Miss Young went to the city Wednesday for a couple of days with her sister.

There was a big sleigh load of folks went out to Mrs. John L. Hughes' last Friday night. They took a good supply of cake and ice cream and had a good time.

Mrs. Geo. Strang visited in Waukegan with her sister Mrs. Jane MacAllister.

The men are kept busy going to sales or "roups" as "Robert Burns" calls them. Last week Bob McDougall had a farm sale of stock, etc. This week Charley Huphery had a sale. The McDougalls will soon move to Millburn. The Meads are getting ready to move to Rockford, their former home.

You want to be careful about your coal stoves, see that they are allright at night. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood were nearly overcome by escaping gas one night last week. No serious results however.

Miss Hattie Bain is engaged with Mrs. John A. Strang.

from Antioch News28 February 1901
The new factory will commence business about the 20th of March.

Miss Emma Wynn, of Waukegan, is a guest of Miss Carrie Bater.

Robert Strang returned Saturday after spending a week in Chicago.

Edward Mead and family will leave this week for Rockford, their future home.

Mr. Cross having sold his farm will leave with his family Thursday for Chicago.

Miss Florence Harris, of Dwight, Ill., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. G. Thom.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Levoy, of Nora, Ill., were a few days in our village last week.

Ed Taylor and Miss Alice Jamison came up from Chicago Washington's birthday.

A Physical Culture Club has been started in our village with Miss Alice Indson as president.

Henry Pollock, of Iowa, was here last week on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock.

George B. Stephens, Mrs. Emma Strang, Miss Kittie L. Smith and E. A. Martin were visitors to Waukegan Saturday and Monday.

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