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Newspaper Clippings for
January, 1901

from Antioch News3 January 1901
The undersigned intending to quit the dairy business, will make a closing out sale of entire stock, on Spring Valley Farm, owned by Dr. Peter Fahrney, of Chicago, 3 miles west of Wadsworth, 1-2 mile east of Millburn, at 9 o'clock, on Tuesday, January 8, 1901, the following property: Two thoroughbred bulls, 1 thoroughbred short-horn 4 years old, 79 milch cows, 19 two-year-old heifers, 47 head of yearling heifers, some fine Holsteins; 5 head two-year-old steers, good feeders, 59 head of yearling steers, 51 head spring calves, Farm Machinery. One hundred and fifty 8 gallon milk cans. Will offer fifty cords of hard wood on day of the sale. Free lunch.
W. H. Fahrney, Manger.
J. H. Ocker, Supt. of Farm.
Avey & Fahrney, Auctioneers.
W. J. White, J. A. Thain, Clerks of sale.

Rev. Mr. Bowdesh preached his farewell sermon Sunday.

Mrs. W. F. Wentworth returned home from Chicago Saturday.

Mrs. and Miss Bater will give a church social Friday evening, January 11th.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pantall, who have visiting in Chicago, returned on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Taylor, of Chicago, are spending a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.

The Millburn Insurance Company will hold their annual meeting Saturday, January 12, 1901.

The officers elected by Antioch Lodge, No. 197, A. F. & A. M., will be installed Thursday evening.

Will the parties who picked up the Fox Terrier Christmas afternoon kindly return same to E. A. Martin.

Wm. Mitchell and E. A. Martin were elected trustees of the Millburn Congregational church on Saturday, at the annual meeting.

Quite a number of the ladies received calls New Year's day and also quite a number of young gents attended the masquerade ball at Antioch the same evening.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 04 January 1901
Walter Ross spent Christmas with his wife's mother and sister, Mrs. Watson and Belle. He is in the city a week or two on business.

Mrs. Heddler, of Somers, came to Mrs. Smart's funeral and visited Mrs. Smith and Miss Kittie while she was here.

Maud Hughes went to Somers last Wednesday to visit her aunts Mrs. Bain, and Mrs. Yule.

Ed Jemison, Roy Hughes and the Trotter boys were home for the turkey dinner.

Vinnie Jamieson, of Kenosha, returned Wednesday after a brief visit at home.

There will be a refreshment sociable held at Mrs. Bater's Friday night. All are invited.

The Masons hold their annual supper and installation Thursday night of this week.

Mrs. Ward Bain, of Somers, visited her mother and father a day or two and returned Sunday night.

Strayed: A small white fox terrier dog belonging to E. A. Martin of the Millburn post office. His face is half white and half dark ears and a dark saddle spot on left shoulder an enlargement on left fore leg, answers to the name of "Barkus". Reward will be paid for his recovery.

from a loose clipping, source unknown 8 January 1901

Abbie C. Smith, born at Millburn, Ill. July 11th, 1849; married Andrew J. White May 15th, 1871; died of pneumonia at her home in Lyons, Nebr., Jan. 8th 1901, aged 51 years.
Mrs. White's last illness was very brief, dating from Saturday Dec. 29th. In spite of the most careful medical attention and the most skillful nursing, she failed steadily from the first. On the seventh day the absent members of the family were summoned, George and wife Edna, from McCook, Nebr., Frank from Chicago, and Harry from Lincoln. The parting came at 6 o'clock on the evening of the tenth day of the illness.

Any cold and formal eulogy on the life of she who is gone would be most unfitting. She never sought applause, other than the appreciative, sympathetic word prompted by her own unselfish, untiring devotion to others. Her's was a life of deeds rather than words—deeds of loving helpfulness and patient service. But her words, also, are treasured as the sweet and gentle expressions of the finest tempered spirit. No single harsh or unjust word against acquaintance or friend can be recalled as having crossed her lips; no slightest unkind or resentful action is remembered of her. Her character, strong in the virtues of the highest womanhood, was tempered by the kindliest spirit of love. Her cheerful, patient, hopeful disposition was with her through all the distress of her illness and even to the last hours when with tender farewell messages she was thoughtful of the happiness of her loved ones. It was her ideal to be a good mother in a good home. How absolutely she attained that ideal is spoken now in the passionate grief of those who knew her gentle ______________

from Antioch News10 January 1901
E. A. Martin left for the city Sunday.

Miss Carrie Bater was in Chicago last week.

James Pollock returned from his eastern trip Saturday.

William Indson, of Evanston, spent a few days here last week.

Miss Emily Wynn, of Waukegan, is visiting Miss Carrie Bater.

Miss Mabel Adams, of Chicago Lawn, returned home Sunday evening.

Rev. Mr. Mitchell, of Chicago, occupied the pulpit on the Congregational church on Sunday.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 11 January 1901
Miss Emily Wynn, of Waukegan, is spending the week with Miss Carrie Bater.

Miss Kittie Smith was in the city Wednesday on business.

Miss Jane Anderson has been quite sick the last few days with the grippe.

Ed Martin returned from the city Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Spafford is sick, has been under the doctor's care the last week.

Miss Christiana Specht is boarding at Mrs. Wm White's at present.

Rev. Mr. Mitchell is spending the week here holding meetings and calling on the people.

Mrs. Robert Strang who has been laid up at home with the grip is able to be up around the house again.

The Ladies Aid Society meets at Mrs. George Strang's this week Thursday.

The immense stock sale on Dr. Fahrney's Spring Valley farm, formerly the Nathaniel Goodnow place, was held Tuesday; although a bad day, it was attended by hundreds of men and everything was sold before three o'clock. J. A. Strang and Charles Brown of Gurnee being two of the largest purchasers.

Mr. James Pollock is away on a trip connected with his patent wagon tire tightner.

It is said M. Witt will run the Smart farm this year.

The Ladies Missionary meeting was held with Mrs. Robert Strang Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Mitchell was present and spoke a few encouraging words.

Mr. Cross was in the city on business Wednesday and came home in the big snow storm.

The ladies are planning for the annual "Insurance" dinner next Saturday in the Free Masons' Hall.

Through the wide spread information that the "old reliable Gazette" gives on all subjects, E. A. Martin has been able to locate his little favorite dog, "Barkus". "Barkus was willing." it seems to have run after a buggy clear to Russell station to the next neighbor to Warren Holland, a Millburn mail carrier years ago. If you want to find lost things just send word to the Gazette, you'll soon find them.

We think two of the new inventions the last century brought was "La grippe" and "diphtheria" both bad, worse than steam and electricity.

Miss Alice Judson of Evanston is going to board with Mrs. Bater awhile.

Our friend Mrs. Mathews now in Los Angeles, Cal., says Martin Hastings calls and leaves the Gazette for her to read every week. Martin Hastings was raised in Millburn in the beautiful home his father built on the bank of the lake bearing his name. It is with him as with hundreds of others gone from Lake County.

Capt. and Mrs. Pollock of Waukegan visited their son Elmer on the old farm, also Mrs. Watson and James Pollock. They came out Saturday and returned Monday.

from Antioch News17 January 1901
Miss K. L. Smith was a Chicago visitor last week.

The lost Fox Terrier has been found and all are happy.

The Ladies Aid Society meet with Mrs. George Strang Thursday.

Miss Emily Wynn returned to her home in Waukegan Saturday evening.

Robert Bookman, of Chicago, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Gerrity returned home Saturday.

David Young has resigned his position as janitor of the church, William Chope has been appointed to the place.

Mrs. Robert McDougal has purchased Edward Mead's place and will move here next wee. Mr. and Mrs. Mead going to Rockford.

The Seventh Congressional District Farmers Institute will be held at Millburn, sometime in February, the date thereof not being full determined upon. Director Hughes called the matter up at the meeting of the Millburn Insurance Company, Saturday, the project meeting with such a hearty response by those present, that he decided to call the meeting there in conjunction with the officers of theCounty Institute. Monday, Mr. Hughes went to Urbana to confer with officers of the College of Agriculture and engage some one or two of the Professors there to attend the meeting, Prof., Shamel being especially desired on account of his excellent talk on corn and corn culture, which is particularly appropriate to this section. The officers of the County Institute will do all in their power to make the meeting a success and with the hearty co-operation of the citizens of Millburn it is sure to be a success in every way.

Later: We learn that Prof. Shamel has agreed to be present at the institute, and the date fixed upon for holding it is Friday and Saturday, Feb., First and Second.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 17 January 1901
Of the Millburn Insurance Company

The Millburn Mutual Insurance Company held its annual meeting in Forester's Hall Millburn Saturday Jan. 12, there being about 100 members present. The Secretary read his report showing that the company was in the best financial condition it has been for a long time at the beginning of a year, every order and bill paid, and $406.75 in cash on hand.
The Millburn Company has run since Oct. 27th without a loss of any kind which leaves only nine and one half months for it to run until next assessment so the members can almost be certain that the assessment will be very light next November.
The Secretary showed in his report one year ago that their losses amounted to $2,642.20 before the 1st of January, 1900, which accounts for their high assessment this year it being almost double the average.
The Directors adjusted 27 different losses, during the year with a total of $9,306.95 one of the losses alone amounting to $2,554.45. One of the old members was heard to state that he didn't always know what the assessment in the Millburn would be, but if he met with a loss, he knew what amount he would receive, where if he were in a stock company he couldn't tell what he would receive should he have a loss, but he knew what he would have to pay.
The growth of the company has been a gain of 27 policies for the year, with the total number in force Dec. 11, 1900, 1745; the amount of insurance for the year $2,584,800.

The Secretary wrote 417 policies during the year amounting to over one half million of dollars in insurance. The Treasurer, received $13,650.77 and paid out $13,244.92.

The officers elected for the year: G. B. Stevens, President; John A. Thain, Secretary; W. B. Stewart, Treasurer; and Daniel Lee, Oscar Whitmore, and Elmer Pollock, Directors.

President Stevens was sent as delegate to 12th Bi-annual Insurance meeting at Springfield Feb. 12.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 18 January 1901
Frank Strang, son of George Strang of Marshfield, Wis., visited his grandmother Mrs. Geo. Strang, and his uncle at Fox Lake a few days returning home Friday.

Mrs. Walter Palmer and Mrs. Spafford are on the sick list.

The annual cemetery meeting was held in the store of R. Pantall last Monday night. The faithful few were there.

The church ladies took in twenty dollars at the Insurance dinner.

Mrs. Garrity's cousin Mr. Barheart, of Chicago, visited them last week.

Miss Alice Judson, of Evanston is boarding at Mrs. Baters.

Word came last Friday of the death of Ms. Abbie White, wife of Andrew White of Lyons, Neb. She was the daughter of Geo. E. and Mrs. Smith and was raised here and was much beloved by all her friends there, who sympathise deeply with the family in their great bereavement. She leaves a husband, three sons and one daughter.

Robert McDougall has bought Mr. Mead's place just west of Robert Strang's. All will be glad to have such fine neighbors. Mr. Mead will return to Rockford.

The church has decided to call Mr. Mitchell as pastor.

You must say deacon Cannon now.

Miss Hanna Smith has gone to Lyons, Neb., to the home of her brother-in-law Andrew White.

from Antioch News24 January 1901
Farmers' Institute at Millburn.
The following is the program of the Farmers' Institute to be held at Millburn Friday and Saturday, February 1 and 2.
Address of Welcome, G. B. Stephens, Millburn.
Response, H. D. Hughes, Antioch.
Short-Horn Cattle, J. A. Thain, Millburn.
The Horse, B. W. Ames, Hickory.
Good Roads, H. H. Gross, Chicago.
Afternoon -- One o'clock
Hogs, H. N. Maxham, Diamond Lake.
Address, W. B. Lewin, Russell.
Birds in Their Relation to Agriculture, Ellen D. Farwell, Lake Forest.
Bulbs, Flowers, Fruit, H. B. Pierce, Antioch.
Evening - 7 o'clock
What Inducements Does the Farm Hold Out to the Young People of Today? A. S. Collins, Harvard, Ill.
Saturday, February 2
9 o'clock, a. m.
Prayer, by the Pastor.
Poultry, H. N. Maxham, Diamond Lake.
Care of Milk Between Cow and Creamery. Elmer Cannon, Millburn.
Ensilage, Frank Holt, Ranney, Wis.
Smut in Oats, Prof. A. D. Shamel, of the Agricultural College of Illinois.
Afternoon -- one o'clock.
The Coming Farmer--Character, Grade, Results, A. S. Collins, Harvard.
Corn--Breeding, Selection, Cultivation. Prof. A. D. Schamel
The above program is subject to change without notice.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 26 January 1901
Miss Ida Alexander, a former teacher of the Dodge school is visiting Miss Carrie Bater.

E. A. Martin and J. M. Strang, were in the city Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hunting and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mathews attended the sociable at the M. E. church at Hickory last Wednesday. The proceeds were for the improvement of the cemetery.

The farmers have been busy early and late the last few days hauling ice for the butter factory, other houses ice have also been filled. The ice was got at Hastings Lake.

Clarence Bonner came out from the city Saturday night and brought Mr. and Mrs. McClure with him to spend Sunday. All were at church Sunday.

It will be a matter of interest to some to hear that George Hughes of New Cambria, Mo., son of Mrs. Wm. Hughes also sister his sister Margaret were both married about Christmas. Margaret, now Mrs. Arthur Phillips will live in Topeka, Kan., while George will remain on the farm. Mrs. Hughes was formerly Joanna Trotter.

On the 19th of Jan. 1871, ex-county treasurer James Jamieson and Miss Janey Meldrum were married in Chicago. On the 19th of Jan. 1893 their daughter Margaret and George Duncan were married at the family residence. Suitable remembrance was kept of these important incidents by a family reunion and supper at the home of Mr. Jamieson on the 19th of Jan. in the new century.

Mrs. Spafford is now able to sit up part of the time.

Mr. Wm. Chope is the new sexton and bell-ringer.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart were in Waukegan Saturday.

The young people gave Frank Lucas a surprise party Tuesday night.

Ralph Spafford sang a fine solo Sunday evening. Mrs. Jessie Harris Thom played. Our singers were few, but fine with Mrs. R. L. Strang and Carrie Bater's fine alto.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 28 January 1901
James Bonner has a new wind mill.

The farmers are busy filling their ice houses.

Nearly everyone has or has had the grippe.

W. G. Thom bought two Shropshire sheep.

W. J. White was in Chicago this week.

W. H. Rose was seen on our streets Saturday night.

A. B. Stephens was in Waukegan a few days this week on business.

A new barn is being erected on the old James Murrie farm.

Bruce Stephens has just finished some fine pictures of the interior of the church which are for sale.

from Antioch News31 January 1901
Mrs. Wm. Mayor, of Chiago, is at Mrs. Robert Strang's.

Mrs. Yule visited Lake Forest and Evanston last week.

Miss Caly Vanderveer, of Chicago, is visiting Miss Lucy Spafford.

Miss Alexander and Miss Alice Judson were with Mrs. and Miss Bater last week.

A number of our people will attend the C. E. Convention at Waukegan Saturday.

Elmer Cannon, Mrs. Cannon and Miss Carrie Bater were Waukegan visitors last week.

Dr. Homer E. Jamison has been quite ill but we are pleased to learn that he is much better and will soon be out again.

The visitors to Chicago last week were: W. G. Thom, E. A. Martin, R. Pantall, J. M. Strang and W. F. Wentworth.

The Rev. Mitchell of Chicago, has accepted a call from the trustees of our church and will be with us regularly after this week.

Great preparations are being made by our people for the entertainment of members of and visitors to the Farmer's Institute Friday and Saturday, February 1-2.

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