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Newspaper Clippings for
July, 1899

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette-Register 8 July 1899
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart spent the Fourth in the city with Mrs. Stewart's people

Alfred Bain has closed his engagement with the government as mail carrier, his four years having expired July 1st. He now drives for Wm. Thom the new carrier.

Mrs. Winnieke has sold her butter factory to the farmers, who will have the management of it in the future.

The Messrs. Dietthurn are painting the new sheds on the church lot.

Henry Wedge has a new carriage, also a fine driving horse.

A. H. Jameson came from St. Louis to spend the Fourth with his little son, Philip Brice and his mamma and visit a few days with Dr. Taylor's.

Ed Taylor came home from the city for the Fourth.

Dollie and Rollin Hemingway returned to Chicago Wednesday, after having spent a few days with the Trotter family.

Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Adams have gone to the C. E. Convention at Detroit. The children are left at their grandfathers.

Helen Trotter got home from Missouri Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Waukegan, were here over Sunday.

Mrs. Thomas Anderson and children are expected from Kansas this week for a visit with her mother Mrs. Geo. Strang, Sr.

Mrs. Lawrence is gaining slowly. Her daughter Margaret is with her.

Most of the celebrating was done here with fire crackers in barrels. Got the best of the rain that way.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette-Register 22 July 1899
Miss Lois Hardie, of Waukegan, is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. Scott Levoy, and her uncle, Thain's family.

Mrs. Potter, of Richmond, visited Mrs. J. M. Strang and the Wedge families recently.

J. Monteath Strang, Addie Pollock and Nellie Trotter were in the city Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Saulfield favored the church people with two fine solos last Sunday morning, which were highly appreciated.

Mrs. Harris has been quite sick the last week, but is some better now.

Irene Bain and her mother visited here a few days at her Grandfather Strang's, and returned to Somers Monday morning.

Mary Calevah, of Ypslanti, Mich., on her way from Nebraska, where she has been visiting her sister, has stopped to visit a few weeks among friends here.

Mrs. Allen Jameson went to Chicago for a short stay. Mrs. Isa Thain had charge of Philip Brice during her absence.

The ladies aid society will meet with Mrs. James Bonner Thursday.

Harold Bain is a visitor at his Grandfather Strang's.

The farmers are rushing the haying as fast as the weather will allow.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams have returned from their trip to Mackinac Island, and report a delightful time on the water.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette-Register 24 July 1899
Will Rose Jr. is home from Beloit College for the summer vacation.

While Mr. and Mrs. Bairstow, are gone on a two months vacation, Clarence Bonner will have charge of their place and business.

Miss Josie Dodge, of Peoria, is visiting at her uncle's, John Bonner's

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hughes will celebrate their silver wedding next Saturday. Mrs. Hughes is Robert Strang's daughter.

Harry Adams has bought a fine tandem of E. A. martin and always invites some one to ride with him.

There were eighteen who went to Waukegan to attend the Stewart-Gray wedding last Saturday.

Mrs. Isa Thain is at Dr. Taylor's caring for the new baby and Mrs. Jameson.

Margaret Lawrence is expected home from Tabor College, Iowa, Thursday. Her mother has been very sick at Mrs. Bater's the last two weeks.

Misses Mary and Lottie Wright came out from the city Monday night to visit at Mrs. Smith's. They have just returned from Scotland, where they have been on a visit the last year.

E. A. Martin made a business trip to the city Monday. He has sold thirteen wheels so far this season

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray are making a short visit among friends here before starting for their home in Dakota.

Married, at the parsonage, Tuesday, June 20th, 1899, Miss Inez Jamieson and Paul Ames, both of Antioch.

Miss Annie McCredie's school in the Jones district closed with a picnic last week Wednesday.

Mrs. J. M. Strang and Mrs. Pantall attended the funeral of Mrs. Lux at Wadsworth Thursday.

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