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Newspaper Clippings for
June, 1882

from Gazette6 June 1882
Mr. John Strang, Sr., is improving his already fine place, by a thorough course of painting over all office buildings. Proctor Brothers, of Ivanhoe, are doing the work; they have James Pollock's house, the parsonage, some of Mr. Murrie's buildings, besides other jobs, if they can be prevailed on to stay long enough to do them.

The Shakespere Club, formed a few weeks ago, is programming finely, we understand, a goodly number taking hold in earnest, and what the future may develop for us in the way of "stars" we dare not predict.

Mrs. Webster Dodge, of Peoria, went to her home last week, but expects to return again the last of June; bringing her children and spending the Summer with her mother.

Mr. George Stephens and wife expect to visit Mr. Stephen's brother and family at Waukesha, Wis., the last of this week.

Miss Rubie and Mabel Smith are expected home for their vacation, having just closed their school year, in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Mrs. Maggie Hopkinson and children, of Sterling, IL, are visiting with numerous relatives and friends, of this place.

Miss Hattie Merchant, of Chicago, an intimate friend of Miss Kittie Smith, is at present her guest. Being in quite poor health she may remain for some time, to try the effect of county air.

Mrs. Powers, of Evanston, is being entertained by Misses Lillie and Mamie Warren.

Mr. and Mrs. McKensie, of Boulder, Col., came on some weeks ago for a visit to Mrs. McKenzies's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Backus. She will remain a month or so longer, visiting with old-time acquaintances.

The good people of this place are looking forward to an enjoyable day next Tuesday, a large amount of talent having been procured for their meeting. The only possible drawback, they fear, being the weather.

The sociable at Mr. Thains's last week was a very pleasant gathering. We hear Dr. Leonard's spoken of for next Thursday evening.

We would like to send in something of a real newsy character but can think of nothing but the horse trot that occurred between our two Doctors the other day; whether it afforded them as much amusement as the lookers on, we won't say.

from Gazette17 June 1882
The Scott concert given in Hughes Hall Saturday evening, did not prove a financial success we fear, no very great interest being aroused at the time of voting. A young gentleman fresh from Scotland carried off the honors in the face of all our young ladies.

The Conference that convened here Tuesday, proved a very pleasant meeting, although considerable disappointment was felt at so many speakers from abroad failing to come.

Mr. Duncan and wife recently from Scotland, but more lately from Chicago, are at present boarding at James Baters and possible may soon buy, and locate here, if a place can be procured to suit them.

Mrs. George Kerr has been entertaining her Father for a few days, his home being but a short distance from Jacksonville, in this state, where both Mrs. Kerr and her husband were educated.

We notice with pleasure the interest some of our farmers are taking, in regard to the improvement of stock upon their farms; A.T. White having recently purchased two full blood Aberdeen cattle. W. L. White placing upon his farm a few months since a number of Jerseys, while others favor Durhams and already own fine herds.

Miss Clark, of Hainsville, is instructing a class of young ladies of this place in instrumental music.

Robert Pollock and the Mason boys returned from school at Racine this week.

Our regular sociable was held at Mrs. Mathews, Thursday evening, we understand the young people are agitating a festival of some kind for next Wednesday evening, probably strawberries, peaches, jersey cream and ice cream will form the most prominent features of the occasion. It will be either held in Hughes Hall, or an adjacent lawn.

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