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Newspaper Clippings for
May, 1882

from Gazette13 May 1882
Last week it was Mr. Hockaday that had bought the drug store - every one supposing the thing sure and certain this time, as the invoice was taken, new goods purchased, & c., but not so. This week another change occurs, as Mr. Pantall buys the goods and rents the store, so that we are bound to have a change anyhow.

Rev. Mr. Dole of Ivanhoe, and Campell "of" our place, exchanged pulpits last Sunday.

James Bonner and wife left this week for a year or so in Iowa.

Mrs. Wm. Bonner starts next week for a visit to her daughter's family in Peoria. Miss Clara Sedman accompanying her as far as Evanston, then going to her brother's in Elgin.

Mrs. Wm. Anderson, who spent the winter at her father's in Lake Forest, is now the guest of her aunt, Mrs. James Bonner, of this place. We believe she returns to her home in Colorado soon.

Mrs. Mason and children are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Strang.

Mr. Stanford's school has resumed again after a three week's vacation.

The school east of Millburn is to be taught the next term by a young gentleman from Wisconsin.

Will Kennedy of Peoria, dropped in on his many friends of this place a day ago.

Mr. Cropley, who recently purchased the Leith farm has been busy all the Spring making improvements, and intends to soon move his house down to the road.

We are sorry to report that Miss Laura Moran is in poor health, and we hope that settled warm weather may benefit her.

The postponed sociable of last week is expected to held at the same place this week.

from Gazette20 May 1882
A number of our people are painting and improving their places this Spring, and we believe much more in this line would be done if painters were not so scarce.

Mr. Mathews has been very materially beautifying his house by painting and the addition of a piazza.

The sociable at the residence of G. L. Stewart, of Millburn, held on Thursday evening last drew out a large number of people. An interesting literary and musical program was arranged and carried out, the local talent being very ably assisted in their efforts by Mrs. Livesy and daughter of Waukegan.

Mr. Smith's fence and sidewalk add greatly to the looks of the place, and at present there is a move on foot to paint the parsonage and fence. Last week evergreens were set out in the church lot. (a matter that should have had attention years ago, in our opinion), but still are glad the people have waked up if it late.

J. H. Hughes, our undertaker, has recently moved his caskets, trimmings, etc., to his store building, the present room making a much better show room in every way then the one used formerly. Mr. Hughes added something new, (here at least), in the way of marble caskets.

Mrs. Wm. Bonner, who was expected to start for Peoria this week, was taken suddenly ill at Somers, Wis, last week, where she was visiting friends, but recovering somewhat, came home, but was taken much worse on her arrival and is now dangerously ill.

Some of our people expect to attend the musical festival in Chicago next week.

There are a few cases of whooping cough among the children, but the general health of the place is good.

from Gazette27 May 1882
Mrs. Wm. Bonner who was reported dangerously sick last week, is at present improving. Her daughter Mrs. Dodge of Peoria, is with her and will reside till she is better, possibly til she should be able to go back with her.

Three little girls, children of Mr. Richard Thain, who have been with their uncle's family, in this place for two or three years, have, since their father's return from California, gone to live with him in Chicago,

Miss Maggie Thain is spending a week with her sister in the city.

Rev. Mr. Campbell has been attending the State Association at Gennesse this week.

A young lady, cousin of Dr. Mills of Rosecrans, who has been for a number of weeks the guest of his family, spent Sunday with Misses Hattie and Aggie Smith.

Miss Mary Elsing closes school for a week's vacation, next week, and will attend the wedding of her brother while away.

Mr. John Bain injured his foot and ankle so badly with a drag that he has been confined to the house for a week and we fear it will be many days before he will able to be around

Mr. Emerson Thayer is in quite poor health at present, but is hoping for a favorable change soon.

Dr. and Mrs. Leonard were in the city the first of the week, attending the wedding of a cousin of the Doctor's.

No announcement for the next sociable yet.

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