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Newspaper Clippings for
April, 1882

from Gazette1 April 1882
It is quite the talk now-a-days that there is to be another dry goods and grocery store in Millburn before many months, and success to more business we always say. But why won't some enterprising fellow start out in a new line; for instance, boot and shoe house, hardware store or butter factory? The latter would meet with the full approbation of the farmers' wives, we feel certain.

Mr. William Thom, who recently purchased Mr. James Pollock's farm, arrived with his family and took possession last week. We would extend to them a hearty welcome.

We understand that George Strang, Sr., lately bought of William Chope a forty acre timber lot (some of the land he lately got of Wm. Hockaday), at the rate of thirty eight dollars an acre.

Three or four hands are employed on Mrs. Lawrence's house, so that it is being pushed rapidly forward.

We felt like laughing a little when the snow and cold weather came on about our neighbors peas and potatoes they had planted for two weeks or so. Maybe they will be ahead yet; we won't say.

Hon. James Pollock was in Springfield a few days last week, but spent Sunday at home with his family. Mrs. Pollock is improving at present.

Mrs. Alex Stewart has been in the city lately visiting her brother and sister.

Mrs. Robert Strang found her daughter sick on her arrival in the city, so has remained with her until now.

Our postmaster is off duty this week, being on the sick list.

Sociable this (Thursday) evening at George Strang, Jr's, B.

from Gazette22 April 1882
The fourth store in Millburn was suppposed to be a settled thing at one time, as Mr. Hockaday had the store and dwelling rooms in the Hall building engaged, but he suddenly changed his mind, and we can not speak definitely of his present intentions.

Hughes & Son has completed their work on Water street, and gone a few miles into the country to build a kitchen for Henry Wedge.

Miss Sutherland is well pleased with the prospects for her business, having had quite a trade in hats thus far.

Mr. John Minto's family was increased recently by the arrival of a sixth daughter, and Andrew White's by a third son.

We understand James A. Bonner and wife go soon to Iowa to spend a year, her health being very poor, and thinking a change of climate may better it.

Mr. Will Minto, who has for two years past been with his uncles in California, arrived home last week, and will visit with relatives and friends for a while.

James Smith, of Brooklyn, N.Y. made his parents a flying visit a week or two since.

Mrs. Stephens has returned from a visit to her daughters at Lockport and Waukegan.

The Millburn Literary Association held its last session for the spring and summer months last week, Mr. Ed. Dodge and Miss Elsing giving us, as part of the entertainment for the evening, a spicy and lively paper. We believe some of the members interested in Shakespeare propose forming a club, to meet at private residences during the summer, which will in a measure take the place of the Literary.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barry are both in quite poor health.

Mr. Stanford's school is closed for the week on account of the serious illness of his mother.

The sociable at John Hughes' last week was well attended. We have not heard where the next one is to be.

from Gazette29 April 1882
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Thain spent the Sabbath with Millburn friends, having just returned from a year in San Francisco, where Mr. T. was engaged as singer in one of the large Churches. They, together with our home talent, gave a Song service Sunday evening. Some of the duets by Mr. and Mrs. Thain were very fine.

Rev. James Campbell, our minister, was in attendance upon the meeting of Alumni in Chicago, the first of this week.

Miss Maggie White returns to her brother's in Mich., the last of this week, after a two weeks visit with relatives here. We believe she came partly in the interest of her brother's store, and will purchase goods in Chicago on her return trip.

The ladies in this place have recently sent a barrel of clothing to the Lady Missionary at Mobile, for distribution among the colored people.

Rumor says a change may take place in one of our business houses before long. We understand the sociable next week is to be held at G. L. Stewart's and that entertainment will be furnished, also refreshments.

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