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Editor's note: This contains all the text of the member's newsletter, without the multi-column formatting.

Historic Millburn
Community Association, Inc.

Member Newsletter
December 12, 1998

Mark those calendars - Our annual Christmas Party for paid members will be held on January 3rd, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. Our hosts will be Dorothy and Wolf Berthold, at their home, located just west of Route 45, at 19020 W. Grass Lake Road. Bring along a munchie to share with others. Extra parking is available in the church lot across the street. The Berthold's home was originally known as Albion Place when built by the Strang family in 1867.

Annual meeting - We will be meeting in Lauren Hall on Tuesday, February 2nd, 1999, at 6:00 p.m. We'll begin with a potluck dinner followed by our business meeting. We will elect members to serve on our board of directors. We plan to have a speaker to entertain us. Plan on attending this major event.

More dates to remember - The last day our Martin's Gen'L Store museum will be open for the 1998 season will be Saturday, December 19th. We will reopen the museum to the public in mid-March of 1999. We will let you know more details in the next newsletter.

We mourn the loss of a member - Barbara Pope passed away recently. The Pope family had originally settled just north of Wadsworth and came by buggy to attend Millburn Church. In the early 1900's the family purchased a farm closer to Millburn, on the north side of Millburn Road, between Crawford and Hunt Club Roads. For many years, Barbara was an Old Mill Creek Trustee and a supporter of our association. We had very recently been able to gather quite a lot of biographical information and old photos from Barbara about her family. We will miss her.

Valuable donations to collection - Member Jean Wooley recently moved from her family's farm to a new home at nearby Victory Lakes. She has generously donated a large number of items to our collection. Several other items have been placed on consignment and are on display until they are sold. We're delighted to have so many new items with a Millburn connection.

File cabinets - We recently received a generous donation of six matching filing cabinets. Our files have been moved into these new file drawers. Have a look at them during your next visit to the museum.

See the light - Three new hanging ceiling fixtures have been installed over the cash register and display area of the museum. No more dark corners.

Internet website - Several more families have been researched and added to our biographical sketches. We've received email from Denman and Van Patten family members who found our website during their surfing. Several electronic visitors have promised to help us with our ongoing research. Our website is at (((link removed by webmaster on 10Jun2003)))

New neighbor - Gary Hughes has purchased the Paulson home on Route 45. Margaret has moved to Gurnee and remains close enough to Millburn to still be a part of Millburn's many activities. This historic house was built in 1868.

New Year's Resolution - We hope that you will consider becoming a volunteer storekeeper at the museum. We need help on Saturday and Sunday afternoons when the museum is open. Contact a board member and sign up to help greet our visitors. It is a very easy way to become more involved in our work. You'll get to meet people with an interest in Millburn.

Have a Happy Holidays

We thought you might be interested in reading some newspaper clippings of goings on in Millburn quite a long time ago. These were published in local papers and are from the extensive collection we make available on our internet website.
Although the money was raised and plank on the ground for the sidewalk to the cemetery a long time ago, the last of it was not laid 'til lately, the children going East to school appreciating it thoroughly during this mud. December 31, 1881

Our church people made no arrangements for Christmas trees or Christmas entertainments. December 25, 1886

Robert Jamieson and Willie Duncan skated to Lake Forest, last Saturday. January 9, 1896

The young people had a very enjoyable Christmas party in the Masonic hall Saturday night. There were about forty present and the evening was passed in the enjoyment of games old and new. December 30, 1897

The C. E. Society invites you to watch the old year out with them in the Forrester's hall Friday evening. All are requested to appear in some article of dress fashioned from newspaper. There will a program, refreshment and games to help the old year enjoy its last hours. December 30, 1897

The young people had a little party at Mrs. Bater's Saturday night and saw the old year depart and the new one arrive. January 6, 1899

The Christmas tree entertainment at the church Monday evening was a great success. The church was crowded and the presents many for the children. The hit of the evening was E. A. Martin as Santa Claus. December 27, 1900

Miss Olof Kramer native esquimaux lady will give her celebrated lecture on Greenland and life in the frozen north, at the church Tuesday evening Dec. 31. Afterwards a watch meeting seeing the old year out and the new one in. December 26, 1901

Strayed: A small white fox terrier dog belonging to E. A. Martin of the Millburn post office. His face is half white and half dark ears and a dark saddle spot on left shoulder an enlargement on left fore leg, answers to the name of "Barkus". Reward will be paid for his recovery. January 4, 1901

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