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Editor's note: This contains all the text of the member's newsletter, without the formatting and graphics.

Member's Newsletter -- December, 2005

38757 N. U.S. Highway 45
Millburn of Old Mill Creek, IL 60046
December 2005 Newsletter

Annual H.M.C.A. Christmas Tea
The Annual H.M.C.A. Christmas Tea will be held at Millcreek Emporium (the original Strang Store on the corner of Route 45 and Grass Lake Road), 19000 Grass Lake Road, Millburn, Thursday, December 29th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Please bring an hors d'oeuvre or Christmas sweet to share. We look forward to seeing you to celebrate the season. The driveway is on the west side of the building with parking in the rear. There is also parking at Millburn Church or at the Berthold's Millburn Manor.
Fall Picnic
The Annual Fall Picnic held at Mildred Haisma's home in Millburn was a big success. The weather was beautiful. Good food and good friends! It was a lovely event. Thank you, Mildred!
Museum Hours
The museum has closed for the year. It will reopen again in April, 2006. Don't forget to visit our website at www.hmca-il.org. It has been recently updated. We are very grateful for the time and talent donated by our webmater!
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting and Potluck Supper for the membership will be held in early April. More information will follow in March. The Board has been working to update the Association By-laws to make them current. You will recceive a draft of the proposed by-law revisions along with notice of the date of the Annual Meeting.
Board Vacancy
We anticipate having one vacancy on the Board. Please let us know if you are interested in serving on the Board. We are gathering nominations for the Election of Board members, which will take place at the annual meeting in April. Please consider donating your time and talent to the Association.
In Appreciation
Thank you for your continued support. We count on your participation to continue operating the Martin General Store Museum and local preservation efforts. Wishing you and yours a blessed and healthy holiday season.
If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining, please have them call Dorothy Berthold at 847-265-1967. We are always looking for new members. You don't have to live in Millburn to join the Historic Millburn Community Association.
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