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Editor's note: This contains all the text of the member's newsletter.

Historic Millburn
Community Association, Inc.

Member Newsletter
July 28, 1982

Join us for our annual picnic!
Date:  August 28, 1982
Time:  3:00 pm
       4:30 pm Auction of white elephants and Country Store
       5:30 pm Potluck Picnic fare (bring a dish to pass)
Place: Milt and Dorothy Anderson's home, 19176 W. Grass Lake Road
Bring: Tableservice
       Items for auction - anything you can stand to part with
       Items for Country Store - pickels, bread, fresh produce
                                 from your garden, eggs, baked goods,
                                 jellies or whatever
       Lawn chairs
Committee will furnish: Brats, buns and trimmings for same
                        lemonade (other beverages on your own)
R.S.V.P. to: Milt and Dorothy Anderson at 356-8767 or Ruth White at 356-2203

We have been approached by the Lake County Forest Preserve District with regard to any ideas we might have to share on the use and development of McDonald's Woods. The Board of Selectmen spent a Sunday morning hiking through the woods and viewed the condition of the lakes and the damage to the environment from the subdivision development. We feel the least use of the woods possible would be in the best interest of the people in the area.

Our Historic Millburn Community Association sponsored and conducted the Memorial Day program for the second year. Any advice or assistance for this coming year would be appreciated.

At our June meeting it was suggested that we have a walk through the Cemetery next year as a program. We will be gathering information for this program, if any of you have any details to contribute contact Jill Ballock at 356-0395.

Some of the time at our monthly meetings has been spent reviewing old abstracts of Title. Now we need help typing and sorting and recording. If you can help call Dorothy at 356-5744,

The Millburn Grade School has given us a history of the old Grub Hill School. We have voted to frame an old Grub Hill School picture and donate to the school.

Come to our picnic and enjoy the friendship of your neighbors and friends.

Ruth White

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